Well, you could keep relocating that URL and perhaps it will take them back to Kansas, but the rest of us tend to stay away from redirecting the URL for this and instead we like to hop over to the join.php file and look for this part:
function showFinishPage( $iMemID, $sStatus ) {
switch( $sStatus ) {
case 'Active': $sStatusText = ('_USER_ACTIVATION_SUCCEEDED'); break; //activated automatically
case 'Approval': $sStatusText = ('_USER_CONF_SUCCEEDED'); break; //automatically confirmed
case 'Unconfirmed': $sStatusText = ('_EMAIL_CONF_SENT'); break; //conf mail succesfully sent
case 'NotSent': $sStatusText = ('_EMAIL_CONF_NOT_SENT'); break; //failed to send conf mail
echo _t( '_Join complete' );
echo '<br />';
echo _t( $sStatusText );
Then we have a tendency to replace it like this:
function showFinishPage( $iMemID, $sStatus ) {
switch( $sStatus ) {
case 'Active': $sStatusText = ('_USER_ACTIVATION_SUCCEEDED'); break; //activated automatically
case 'Approval': $sStatusText = ('_USER_CONF_SUCCEEDED'); break; //automatically confirmed
case 'Unconfirmed': $sStatusText = ('_EMAIL_CONF_SENT'); break; //conf mail succesfully sent
case 'NotSent': $sStatusText = ('_EMAIL_CONF_NOT_SENT'); break; //failed to send conf mail
global $member;
global $logged;
$member['ID'] = $iMemID;
$member['Password'] = md5($_POST['Password'][0]);
if ( check_login( $member['ID'], $member['Password'] ) )
setcookie( "memberID", $_COOKIE['memberID'], time() - 24*60*60, '/' );
setcookie( "memberPassword", $_COOKIE['memberPassword'], time() - 24*60*60, '/' );
setcookie( "memberID", $member['ID'], 0, '/' );
setcookie( "memberPassword", $member['Password'], 0, '/' );
$_COOKIE['memberID'] = $member['ID'];
$_COOKIE['memberPassword'] = $member['Password'];
$update_res = db_res( "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `DateLastLogin` = NOW() WHERE `ID` = {$member['ID']}" );
createUserDataFile( $member['ID'] );
echo _t( '_Join complete' );
echo '<br />';
echo _t( $sStatusText );
Of course, that's just us. But you can go ahead and keep playing with the Login URL if you like. (Hint: Submit buttons are a great place to look for things)