Youtube Embed Failed

Video upload failed (Video error) on Youtube Embed!
All others uploader is working well.
Youtube links embed correct but not working - message: Video upload failed (Video error)

Who can offer solution?
Quote · 4 Apr 2010

i also got problems in the last weeks with youtube links to embed in video modul

the most links work, but i think youtube made some new kind of url on the newer videos


i cannot add this one, maby a character that doesn´t work

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 16 Apr 2010

I put a ticket in and it was recently fixed.  You can grab the changes here:

Quote · 16 Apr 2010

thx for reply

i uploaded the fix,cleared all caches, but i still cannot insert this kind of urls

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 16 Apr 2010

i tested with and it doensn't work for me.

Quote · 16 Apr 2010

Hello everyone.

Hust fixed. Try

Quote · 16 Apr 2010

sweet!  it's working now. Thanks rayz and boonex.  :D

Quote · 16 Apr 2010


on my site it works also now.

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 16 Apr 2010

For me i changed the line but still not working :(

Quote · 25 Apr 2010

Me to.. not working?

please help

Quote · 25 Apr 2010

I had do the changes both,

now some more links work, but there is another one where i get an embede error

see this link - i don´t know why - is it to fresh on youtube ?

how long should it be there ? That all is very bad - because we only have 3 days until our casting is over

Quote · 27 Apr 2010

Hello GlobalPlayer!

Seems some limitation for this video exists - i checked it in our - Dubai festival video was embedded OK, and this one - no.


Quote · 27 Apr 2010

Hi Everyone,

I am still getting Video upload failed (video upload error) for embedd video from youtube infact i also tried to embedd the video name given as example in upload video page in boonex.

Not sure if i am doing the right step,

  1. i downloaded V 7.0.1 and installed boonex dolphin.
  2. Tried download the file and replace it with old file.
  3. Tried download the file and replace with the old file.

I hope someone can help.


Quote · 3 May 2010


next url found which not works

update to 7.0.1 and also tried the fix above from rays

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 7 May 2010

At this time I have no problems with embed like this one

Kids first
Quote · 7 May 2010

i don´t know why, but now this link works,

before always came an it takes it without any change

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 7 May 2010

I tested that link and it was inserted without any error. :)

Kids first
Quote · 7 May 2010

If you are still getting the error after you've made the modifications to the upload.js and BxVideosConfig.php mentioned above, emptied all your cache (but not your .htaccess file) it may be worth your while to wait at least 24 hours before trying again.

There seems to be a delay between uploading a video to YouTube and it being able to be used as an "embed" by Boonex. Also, your video in YouTube apparently needs to be "public" and not set to "private".

Quote · 1 Jun 2010

The thing is that I couldn't even embed the sample Boonex video.

Quote · 1 Jun 2010

Someone please fix this is still dosn`t work with 7.0.4 version


Quote · 4 Dec 2010

Any boonex dev can gives us some hints in here ? thanks a lot

Quote · 6 Dec 2010

Same problem, make all chances but not work in D7.0.4 :(
Quote · 22 Dec 2010

adding youtube videos to your site is a bad idea

Why is a bad idea

you making youtube more rich they making more money because they have ads on videos


Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
Quote · 22 Dec 2010


Same problem, make all chances but not work in D7.0.4 :(

what the problem look like?

mine is working fine

=> => friends community based dolphin 7
Quote · 22 Dec 2010

On on of my site it work very well and  with my other dolphin site i have this error

Quote · 3 Jan 2011

I have this changes but not found.

I upload the new archives but not found :(
Quote · 11 Jan 2011

Dude...I think I figured it out...

I was having no luck embedding my youtube videos until I realized I had the video marked as "Private" on youtube. I made it public and it loaded perfectly. 


Just make sure your Youtube video is ALWAYS PUBLIC not Private. 


Stay Caffeinated!


Quote · 10 Aug 2011

Hello everyone.

Here is the fix:

Edit "modules/boonex/videos/classes/BxVideosConfig.php", find the following code:

define("YOUTUBE_VIDEO_RSS", '"#video#"');

and replace with the following:

define("YOUTUBE_VIDEO_RSS", '');

Save the file after that.

The fix will be available in the next Dolphin build

Quote · 16 Nov 2011

thank you rayz, the fix working fine and my members are happy to post every youtube video!

Quote · 16 Nov 2011

Ok I just installed the latest version of Dolphin 7.0.8 and at first I did not have any problems with the Embeded YouTube Urls (ANY), I started getting the exact error Kab was getting only when I altered my PHP.ini file to allow larger uploads.

This is what I did to at least be able to add embed youtube videos, In the Dolphin Admin area for Video Settings I had to uncheck all but Embed. I then went back to my PHP.ini file and edited it back to:

register_globals = off

register_argc_argv = off

max_execution_time = 30
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 128M

post_max_size = 64M

upload_max_filesize = 64M

My site is

I attached a copy of my php.ini file if this will help any of you out.



php.ini · 39.3K · 460 downloads
Quote · 26 Nov 2011


thx for reply

i uploaded the fix,cleared all caches, but i still cannot insert this kind of urls


I just added this youtube embed url, it works for me. Look at my response bottom of page and maybe this will help you out.

Quote · 26 Nov 2011


I tried all of the above solutions, but none of them work at all. I have a php.ini-file for my domain, and it has all the correct values for Dolphin.

The site works otherwise, but this video-upload haunts me! I cannot upload files (I get an error message saying tha upload failed, after it has uploaded the file.) All folder-rights show green in the admin panel.

But I am only interested in using the Youtube feature, and it shows me the "Video Upload Error" (Video error) message all the time.

I have a fresh, unaltered 7.0.8-version of Dolphin.

My website is located at

Ps. I am willing to pay a fee to the person fixing the issue Ds.

Tank you!

Quote · 16 Dec 2011



I tried all of the above solutions, but none of them work at all. I have a php.ini-file for my domain, and it has all the correct values for Dolphin.

The site works otherwise, but this video-upload haunts me! I cannot upload files (I get an error message saying tha upload failed, after it has uploaded the file.) All folder-rights show green in the admin panel.

But I am only interested in using the Youtube feature, and it shows me the "Video Upload Error" (Video error) message all the time.

I have a fresh, unaltered 7.0.8-version of Dolphin.

My website is located at

Ps. I am willing to pay a fee to the person fixing the issue Ds.

Tank you!

EDIT: I have resolved this issue by myself!

The issue was the hosting server (, and they had set limits on the shell_exec() command for ffmpeg.exe. I asked them kindly to enable it and to remove these limits, and they helped me out.

It was actually already set to enabled, but the local .htaccess-file that Dolphin uses did not respond to the correct php.ini-file. So we added the following line to my .htaccess-file.

Line added to my .htaccess: SetEnv PHPRC /home/YOUR-USERNAME/public_html/php.ini

Now ffmpeg works fine, and posting works great!

Quote · 16 Dec 2011

 glad your problem was resolved; but ffmpeg has nothing to do with the embed of you tube videos..

perhaps it was another issue.



I tried all of the above solutions, but none of them work at all. I have a php.ini-file for my domain, and it has all the correct values for Dolphin.

The site works otherwise, but this video-upload haunts me! I cannot upload files (I get an error message saying tha upload failed, after it has uploaded the file.) All folder-rights show green in the admin panel.

But I am only interested in using the Youtube feature, and it shows me the "Video Upload Error" (Video error) message all the time.

I have a fresh, unaltered 7.0.8-version of Dolphin.

My website is located at

Ps. I am willing to pay a fee to the person fixing the issue Ds.

Tank you!

EDIT: I have resolved this issue by myself!

The issue was the hosting server (, and they had set limits on the shell_exec() command for ffmpeg.exe. I asked them kindly to enable it and to remove these limits, and they helped me out.

It was actually already set to enabled, but the local .htaccess-file that Dolphin uses did not respond to the correct php.ini-file. So we added the following line to my .htaccess-file.

Line added to my .htaccess: SetEnv PHPRC /home/YOUR-USERNAME/public_html/php.ini

Now ffmpeg works fine, and posting works great!


ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 16 Dec 2011

Hello everyone..the problem is in the youtube embed code.

Go to youtube embed cod and check list "Use old embed code" and copy the embed code. 

Enjoy!! Kiss

Quote · 8 Oct 2012


Hello everyone..the problem is in the youtube embed code.

Go to youtube embed cod and check list "Use old embed code" and copy the embed code. 

Enjoy!! Kiss

 The problem discussed here,(Two years Ago) had nothing to do with youtube's provided embed code.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 8 Oct 2012

I am having same issue, what is the final solution?

Everyday is a new beginning.
Quote · 16 Dec 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.