6.1.2 - 3.5
I am about to start an email campaign to my 4500+ members. So to comply with anti spam/abuse laws I tried to add an unsubscribe tag into the email templates. Something simple like:
<p><a href="mailto:postmaster@mynastyplaymates.com?subject=unsubscribe">unsubscribe</a></p>
I thought a site banner logo would be in order too:
<p><a href="http://mynastyplaymates.com">
<img border="0" src="http://chat.mynp1.com/banners/mynp1_468x60_4.jpg" width="446" height="60"></a></p>
Unfortunately, HTML I add does not work in email templates. Of course the tags boonex put in there do work, such as:
<p><a href="<Domain>member.php"><Domain>member.php</a></p>
<a href="<ConfirmationLink>"><ConfirmationLink></a></p>
How do I activate HTML in email templates?
Eric Chipchase