the duration of a video is really not a sole determining factor in how a video gets converted.
Hey Nathan,
How long should a 10 min video to process using my example?
because one 10 min video (standard quality) could be n MB, and a 10 min video (hd quality) would be another n MB in size.
so the duration, is not per se' the determining factor.
so 40-50 MB video, time to process is determined by the processing power of the machine you are loading it to. if you are on a single core 512MB ram, then quite horridly, it will take a bit of time, or fail altogether.
but outside the hardware considerations are the software considerations (server configurations)
if your video is not processing, there are a few reasons why:
ffmpeg is not working at all
cron job settings are inadequately configured
php configuration settings need to be adjusted
incorrect directory permissions
there is no cut - n - dry answer to give on why videos are not processing, there are many determining considerations.
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