Thanks for the reply! I followed the steps you suggested -- my permissions are all green (and I manually verified that the write access is set for the langs folder). I tried installing/uninstalling the modules but it did not help.
I was able to manually resolve the problem by copying over the mappings from "modulesboonexphotosinstalllangsen.php" to "langslang-en.php". But I'd still like to fix the cause. When I just installed Dolphin, the "lang-en.php" did not get copied to the "langs" folder, I had to copy it manually. Maybe these problems are related?
My 2 guesses are (1) permissions (but I verified manually they are set correctly), and (2) back/forward slashes. I'm on Windows, so there may potentially be problems if back slashes are hardcoded.
Will aprecisate any insight into how I can debug this.