Thanks for the heads up on the script Houston. I'll look that up now.
I asked about the other 2 as I just couldn't find them. Had to do with language - I called the more icon overflow, etc... Here are my solutions that I found after lots of scouring and experimenting;
1. The more icon. In BxBaseMenu.php (in the templates/base/scripts folder) I found this code (on line 787 for me):
$this->sCode .= <<<EOF
<td class="top" style="width:38px;">
<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="void(0);" class="top_link">
<span class="down"><img src="{$sMoreMainIcon}"/></span>
<!--[if gte IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if lte IE 6]><table id="mmm"><tr><td><![endif]-->
<div style="position:relative;display:block;">
<ul class="sub">
and changed it to this:
$this->sCode .= <<<EOF
<td id="more" class="top" style="width:38px;">
<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="void(0);" class="top_link">
<span class="down"><img src="{$sMoreMainIcon}"/></span>
<!--[if gte IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if lte IE 6]><table id="mmm"><tr><td><![endif]-->
<div style="position:relative;display:block;">
<ul class="sub">
I set display to none for that id (well, i was more specific than just the id) and that seemed to work. Anyone with more coding experience care to comment on how that should work out? Didn't crash the site, but what the hell do I know...
2. For the search icon, back to BxBaseMenu.php to find this (on about line 260):
* Generate search element
function genSearchElement() {
$sSearchC = process_line_output(_t('_Search'));
and changed it to this:
* Generate search element
function genSearchElement() {
return; //Hack to make search icon disappear
$sSearchC = process_line_output(_t('_Search'));
That took care of it, nothing more needed. Big shout out to Spartak for that fix. And that's it. Hopefully that helps someone else out there. And doesn't mangle the site.