table restore error

I did a backup of the table "profiles" to pc on my local install of dolphin 6.1.4

I did a restore on my new install of dalphin 6.1.6 and I get:

Mysql error:
Table 'mydatabase.profiles' doesn't exist

Database query error
INSERT INTO `profiles` VALUES ('blah','blah',blah','blah');
Mysql error:
Table 'mydatabase.profiles' doesn't exist
Found error in file /mypath/inc/
at line 685. Called db_res function with erroneous argument #0

The idea is to get my members from the original install and the database table does exist so how can I get this to work or is there a better way?

Quote · 26 May 2009

should have done a complete back up of 6.1.4 and then done the complete upgrade process to 6.1.6 and avoid fiddling. If you do have a backup then the best thing would be to do a restore to 6.1.4. You also might be best waiting until 6.1.7 as I heard there may be issues with Mac users on 6.1.6.

Quote · 26 May 2009

OK, well that seems like sound advice and I admit, I do have 2 things going on here.. (1) an upgrade to 6.1.6 and (2) a transfer to a new server.

But at the moment both installs are functioning fine, I just need to get the data to the new server (and new database). Did I say "just" ?

Quote · 26 May 2009

I stand corrected, the table "profiles" exists but the new version of the table "Profiles" does not (case sensitive). I export/import 'd the tables with phpmyadmin.

Tables copied (but there could be more)


profilessettings (profile background image data)

media     (profile photo data)

Now if only I could find the profile photo and background images. Not in media/images/profile where I would expect based on yet the load find on the site. <scratches head>

Quote · 26 May 2009

That is correct, your members profile images should be located at media/images/profile and their backgrounds under media/images/profile_bg. Well that is for 6.1.4. The photos will be located in directories named with each member's ID number for the profiles directory. The backgound images are all bundled into the same profile_bg directory but their naming convention links them to each member with the first few digits of the file name relating to the member's ID number.

Quote · 26 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.