Hmmm how to word this without look dumb or even more dumber than i already look.
Ok so i want to make a share button for Facebook that shares the blog and the individual members blog image on facebook. The twitter, google +, pintrest ect aready does this correctly, however the facebook crap sharing thing only picks up the OG:image of the main page. which would look like this
But this is my homepage and NOT the individuals blog and content. which is kinda crap for someone wanting to share their blogs right?
So I thought i would make my own share/button with limited sucess,
when I am making a link to someones photos/events/ect I put the following in the head:-
$profileID = getID($_GET['ID']);
$aProfile = getProfileInfo($this->oProfileGen->_iProfileID);
$sNickName = $aProfile['NickName'];
$aUserData = getProfileInfo($profileID);
$memberID = getLoggedId();
$iMemberId = $memberID;
and then:-
depending on what kind of link i want to achieve,
if i wanted to make the link look like this.....
how would I go about doing this? what data would I need to pull and what {$memberID} type thing would I need to put into the link? my idea is to make share buttons that only pull from that page.
I hope this post makes sense lol
voni xx