how to make article or blogs url seo friendly...
i open a dolphin demo site and checked the url..of one article page the url was :

is there any way to change url to.. domain name > article category > article name..
like this guy..

What do you expect from that change? |
What do you expect from that change?
that is more seo friendly url...i guess..i will get better result of my article get search in search engines like google..
i think i have to edit .htaccess file...but what to add or edit..??? anyone.. |
i will get better result of my article get search in search engines like google..
I highly doubt that.
Search engines do what pleases them. You have almost zero influence – besides having quality content.
i will get better result of my article get search in search engines like google..
I highly doubt that.
Search engines do what pleases them. You have almost zero influence – besides having quality content.
quality content is main...but having short url also make a difference...
There is not such thing as SEO friendly URL's
There has been a lot of debate and different opinions, but no solid proof whats so ever that it affects seo.
PHPBB is one of the most popular and widly used forums in the world, yet they still use what are called database driven urls. urls like this.
They see no need to change it because all evidence so far indicates it does not matter to the search engines.
So. If that's your reason for it, then it's of no use. The search engines do not care.
Anyhow. That other site you pointed out is not a dolphin site. What you can do with the urls's is limited to how flexible url rewriting is in that platform. More specifically what exists that is consistent as a unique identifier so the platform can tell the difference between a blog and a news article and a profile. The article category is not in any part of the url so without it you cannot do what you want. You cannot rewrite the url to use something that is not present in the original url.
Some platforms also have url rewriting built into the system which is far more flexible than what you can do with .htaccess. Dolphin does not have url rewrite features built in. |
but having short url also make a difference...
Not to the search engines. No conclusive evidence. No facts to prove it. Data suggests a shorter url may get more clicks than a longer one. But that's a human thing. Human response. The search engine itself does not care. |
Title in post URL can help improve SEO and the chances your content being found and ranked well in organic listings. I have covered this at BoonEx many times before.
I would have thought also that the /m/articles/ part of the URL would in-fact help you in some respect as this itself contains great keywords being 'article' and 'articles'
If your article was about dogs and the URL looked some thing like this /m/articles/how-to-care-for-dog and someone Google searched the term 'article on caring for dogs' you would be very likely to be found / good position listing.
However if the content is unique and contains keywords within it as well as the post URL without the /m/articles/ part it would not really effect your efforts but would possibly stop you coming up on searches where people are including 'article' keywords etc.
I hope above makes sense to you. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
There really is nothing to optimize for search engines.
Most of the things you hear are truths from the 90s or guys like the king of Africa needing your help to transfer money.
What do you mean ?
There really is nothing to optimize for search engines. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Well, you do your content and let the search engines do the rest.
You don't even have to worry about search engines.
This is not fully true ... there are lots of ways to make sure you have better chances of 1) getting good listings and 2) coming up for particular keywords.
Also, you can not just add 'good' content and just expect search engines to find it and decide how you rank. Webmasters have a big influence in helping search engines decide on your rankings / positioning in my own views and experience.
You could add content and just leave it to the search engines and not see any benefits >> I could add optimized content, help push it forwards to search engines and possibly see big results and traffic. I have been there and tested this many times and had particular content like news stories ranked better and found more than HUGE sites like BBC who was also covering the same stuff.
Well, you do your content and let the search engines do the rest.
You don't even have to worry about search engines. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
If you believe so…there are also guys believing in the spaghetti monster.
there are lots of ways to make sure you have better chances
Name one.
I don't just believe in anything! If you look through threads of mine going back years here at BoonEx you will see I have talked about this and posted 'factual' evidence of my results and how I was able to beat these huge sites and networks when covering different things.
If you believe so…there are also guys believing in the spaghetti monster. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
There are also numerous threads / post at BoonEx from others that took on my advise and thanked me stating that they have noticed a big difference in their traffic and rankings ...
I have not made money from these people ... just shared what worked for me which in-turn it worked good for them and their communities. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Link me
I want to see if you talk about general purpose stuff or special cheats.
I can beat very big sites with a small specialized one too – with a cheat and for some few keywords. But that doesn't work on a dolphin site.
Damn, searching through 1800 posts is not fun lol
I have found a few posts for the moment where I have talked about my own success with search engines ... I am disappointed to see all the dated screenshots etc of the results, Analytics and webmasters tools vanished from the posts but at the time it was all true to word and backed up with proof. This was also all searchable via search engines so everyone knew I was not just talking the talk.
I also believe some of the people that took on what I was saying, implemented it themselves and seen good results was Newton27, Tussery and a few others .. All well known Dolphin webmasters.
Link me -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
I would also like to state that my network is not of any particular niche or specialized in anyone area ... but of many niches and we ranked / rank very well for many keywords across each and see great unique traffic as well as returning traffic. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
At the time this was another GREAT FACTUAL EXAMPLE that you can make a massive difference with search engines ...
I was able to help another Boonex member create a article at my network >> we made sure it was SEO strong >> after a few weeks it ranked #1 in the entire world for premium keywords and search terms related to his profession. At the time we beat YouTube, eHow and many other MAJOR sites. Nathan held #1 in world for all the keywords for well over one year:-
"31st of January 2013
the 'salsa' listings are actually another Boonex member's article at my network (Nathan of Global Dance Network).
I managed to get him and his network on page #1 of Google and in-fact NUMBER ONE in the WORLD for his niche also beating YouTube, eHow and other HUGE sites for several different keywords and keyword combinations ..." -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
All my results at these times was long lasting organic results and fetched up well over 100K unique visitors per month for a very very long time! At times we was seeing well over 8,000 unique visitors per day on top of our returning visitors ...
It was a glorious time ;) -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
No tricks or gimmicks! Just good honest SEO and commitment of time. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Guess you had good content then.
I take that as your recipe:
Simple site title
- Gay Men Online, Chat, Video Chat, Pictures, Singles, Hook-Up's
Meta description on site homepage
- Chat With Gay Men Near You. 100% Free. Join Now! Gay Men Online, Chat, Video Chat, Pictures, Singles, Hook-Up's
Meta keywords on site homepage (comma-separated list)
- Chat,Gay,Men,Profiles,Free,videos,porn
title = content
description = content
meta tag stuff doesn't work for over 10 years.
Nope not just good content ... as I said above " good honest SEO and commitment of time." including the Good Content.
take a look at my post above about Nathan another Boonex member and his site !
Good Content and other small SEO improvements / factors got us to #1 and kept us there. This is the same case with all the content at my network.
I have shared all these tips throughout BoonEx forums ... I'm not to keen to again search through over 1800 posts of mine looking for them BUT if you come across any from me at BoonEx they you know they indeed work if done right ;)
Guess you had good content then. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
This is Newton27's results ... but yeah this kind of thing among other stuff ...
Guess you had good content then.
I take that as your recipe:
Simple site title
- Gay Men Online, Chat, Video Chat, Pictures, Singles, Hook-Up's
Meta description on site homepage
- Chat With Gay Men Near You. 100% Free. Join Now! Gay Men Online, Chat, Video Chat, Pictures, Singles, Hook-Up's
Meta keywords on site homepage (comma-separated list)
- Chat,Gay,Men,Profiles,Free,videos,porn
title = content
description = content
meta tag stuff doesn't work for over 10 years. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
" good honest SEO and commitment of time."
Call it what you want, it's still just content. But SEO is no good phrase for that – has a bad past.
The thing is there are soooo many 'so called' SEO companies with great claims and they turn out to be full of crap and just money stealing crooks. Most of them have no real idea of what they are doing and employ tricks / gimmicks / advertising as a way to show results. If they are able to show any kind of results it is usually very little and not long lasting.
To me, SEO is not an object or thing (like a article) but rather a set of techniques ... a way of doing things on top of having the good content ... and mastering this is what drives organic listings forwards.
Call it what you want, it's still just content. But SEO is no good phrase for that – has a bad past. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
but i wanna know how to change my permalink...which file to edit..??
When Google's Search Engine Guru Matt Cutts was asked if the length of words matter in a post slug he replied:
Certainly. If you can make your title four- or five-words long – and it is pretty natural. If you have got a three, four or five words in your URL, that can be perfectly normal. As it gets a little longer, then it starts to look a little worse. Now, our algorithms typically will just weight those words less and just not give you as much credit. The thing to be aware of is, ask yourself: “How does this look to a regular user?” – because if, at any time, somebody comes to your page or, maybe, a competitor does a search and finds 15 words all strung together like variants of the same word, then that does look like spam, and they often will send a spam report. Then somebody will go and check that out. So, I would not make it a big habit of having tons and tons of words stuffed in there, because there are plenty of places on a page, where you can have relevant words and have them be helpful to users – and not have it come across as keyword stuffing.
lol..boonex already modified his permalink ..check this ..
i opened one blog here in and another in
so by default have /blogs/entry in between domain name and blog title..
but blog in have only /n between domain name and blog title..
so there is a way to modify the permalink....just need to know how...anyone know how to do this???
.htaccess is what you edit. It was mentioned.
As i had already stated. Dolphin does not have the ability to control URL's so you limited to what you can do with the .htaccess file. But you need to be careful. Rules can collide. You can only shorten them only so much before dolphin can no longer tell if it's a article or a blog post or a profile, or whatever. There are things in the url that determine what module the rest of the url belongs to. Remove those and you end up with a highway with no road signs.
I also said that what you want to do is impossible because the article category is not part of the normal url so cannot be used in a url rewrite. You can't use what is not there. This is not wordpress. It's dolphin. |
lol..boonex already modified his permalink ..check this ..
i opened one blog here in and another in
so by default have /blogs/entry in between domain name and blog title..
but blog in have only /n between domain name and blog title..
so there is a way to modify the permalink....just need to know how...anyone know how to do this???
What you also do not realize is is running dolphin. is not.
And you can change blogs to just the letter b or something quite easily. The blog permalink is in the .htaccess file. |
so i can make blog to it possible to remove /entry/ ...
will u tell me which .htaccess file to edit i found 34 .htaccess file including one in the root folder..
The one in the root folder of your dolphin site.
The rest of them are just short 3 or so line files to block browser access to those folders. They are not used for url rewriteing.
The one in dolphins root you will see other rewrites there including the existing ones for the blogs. |

The one in the root folder of your dolphin site.
The rest of them are just short 3 or so line files to block browser access to those folders. They are not used for url rewriteing.
The one in dolphins root you will see other rewrites there including the existing ones for the blogs.
hi...i opened .htaccess in notepad++ ...but i find blog but not article...any other .htaccess to look for article..??
You can change the /m/ for all modules or each one individually but you have to keep in mind when updating to newer version or also using third party modules that hardcode direct paths in there files, this can cause issues. Changing anything after the /m/ could be a bigger issue.
Changing the blogs seems to be an issue as there's direct paths included in the files which makes it even more of an issue when trying to get all to function correctly.
You would have to change permalinks in database as well.
To change the /m/ in /m/article you would have to do this via database and then add to your .htaccess file.
You can change the /m/ for all modules or each one individually but you have to keep in mind when updating to newer version or also using third party modules that hardcode direct paths in there files, this can cause issues. Changing anything after the /m/ could be a bigger issue.
Changing the blogs seems to be an issue as there's direct paths included in the files which makes it even more of an issue when trying to get all to function correctly.
You would have to change permalinks in database as well.
To change the /m/ in /m/article you would have to do this via database and then add to your .htaccess file.
m using ultimate article from market..not the one comes with dolphin...
so do u mean .. i have to edit code in that module...and have to edit mysql database..?? but no editing in root/.htaccess..right
No, but not sure how that module is configured at all but basically you would have to go into your database and go to sys_permalinks, find that article module and change the permalink there from m/article to whateveryouwant/article then is .htaccess file add the following line;
RewriteRule ^whateveryouwant/(.*)$ modules/index.php?r=$1 [QSA,L]
right under this line;
RewriteRule ^m/(.*)$ modules/index.php?r=$1 [QSA,L]
make sure you clear cache's after changed (do not delete .htaccess files in folders)
Not sure how that module is configured/coded but make sure you do a complete backup when testing..
No, but not sure how that module is configured at all but basically you would have to go into your database and go to sys_permalinks, find that article module and change the permalink there from m/article to whateveryouwant/article then is .htaccess file add the following line;
RewriteRule ^whateveryouwant/(.*)$ modules/index.php?r=$1 [QSA,L]
right under this line;
RewriteRule ^m/(.*)$ modules/index.php?r=$1 [QSA,L]
make sure you clear cache's after changed (do not delete .htaccess files in folders)
Not sure how that module is configured/coded but make sure you do a complete backup when testing..
i added that code in .htacces (the one in root) like u said..
but i am kindda new with this one "go into your database and go to sys_permalinks" i have to download my database and open in mysql..or to do this ..with what software ??
also in while file in module i will find this "find that article module and change the permalink there from m/article" ...
there is no .htaccess file in article module..the one i am installing.
Link Building is king. you need good content as well. Generally all I do the first four hours everyday is build links, and blog. I have found social monkey to be a good reasonably priced tool to provide a lot of backlinks and second level links in just a few minutes a day, but you still need some better quality links.
Link building and content seem to be all that really matter anymore. Of course traffic helps too (after the fact). Like a snowball effect. I still see a lot of old school crap about meta tags and bla bla bla . I remember a time when could stay on top without new links just by revisit tags before most marketers even knew what they where. That crap doesn't even matter anymore.
url doesnt seem to mean anything either do some searching....
onion rings .... nothing on page 1 even has onion rings in root. ( obviously hungry now lol)
hi..i did a search on article folder of dolphin..and i found one file with m/article.. in install.sql ...should i edit this one..
120: INSERT INTO `sys_permalinks`(`standard`, `permalink`, `check`) VALUES('modules/?r=articles/', 'm/articles/', 'permalinks_module_articles');
144 INSERT INTO `sys_objects_tag` (`ObjectName`, `Query`, `PermalinkParam`, `EnabledPermalink`, `DisabledPermalink`, `LangKey`) VALUES
145: ('bx_articles', 'SELECT `tags` FROM `[db_prefix]entries` WHERE `id`={iID} AND `status`=0', 'permalinks_module_articles', 'm/articles/tag/{tag}', 'modules/?r=articles/tag/{tag}', '_articles_lcaption_tags');
147 INSERT INTO `sys_objects_categories` (`ObjectName`, `Query`, `PermalinkParam`, `EnabledPermalink`, `DisabledPermalink`, `LangKey`)
148: VALUES ('bx_articles', 'SELECT `categories` FROM `[db_prefix]entries` WHERE `id`=''{iID}'' AND `status`=''0''', 'permalinks_module_articles', 'm/articles/category/{tag}', 'modules/?r=articles/category/{tag}', '_articles_lcaption_categories');
150 INSERT INTO `sys_categories` (`Category`, `ID`, `Type`, `Owner`, `Status`) VALUES
3 matches in 1 file
social monkey
does social monkee many backlinks u got for ur website long u using this...can u tell me your website name..?? just wanna see how it is..
Anyone that uses Social Monkee seriously needs to think about what they are doing and I DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM AT ALL!
I personally think they are somewhat a scam and I have clients that have used Social Monkee to end up with PR0 backlinks from trashy sites and they certainly have not been indexed any quicker or better than any other site getting listed or received anymore traffic than other new sites starting out. (0% traffic compared to what good organic listings can do!)
Also, anyone that uses Social Monkee has no real idea about 'Good SEO' and no idea that infact they are causing harm to their sites in general and even more serious 'trust' issues with Google.
Google is against software that automates backlinks and such link building services. As it says in the Google Webmasters Guidelines, it is absolutely forbidden to use “automated programs or services to create links to your site.”
This is not a risk worth taking and Google takes this type of violation extremely seriously. Once Google realizes that your website has backlinks that come from automated software, you will be in a terrible position. The most likely punishment is that your site will be completely removed from Google’s index for violating their guidelines.
For those that don't agree with what I am saying, look up the facts and you will see what I am saying is correct! With Social Monkee you are cheating your way forwards which will ultimately get you kicked in the ass by Google! Forget other search engines and their rules ... GOOGLE is the internet giant we need to please if you expect to see your site gain real natural success as far as rankings and traffic.
I have never used link farms, Social Monkee or any other such tactics and I am proud to own a couple very popular sites that is highly ranked with Google across many niches. I am in a position to say what can work and what will not work, and I can tell you that Social Monkee will do your site and efforts more HARM than GOOD. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Just to add about 'link building is king' ?!
This is a load of crap and if your using Social Monkee to get these links you will soon be saying 'link building killed my site' and Google will ultimately make sure of this. There is much more involved as far as getting real natural top results
Besides all the other factors of getting your site highly ranked and listed etc .. Quantity of links is not what helps you >>> it's the quality of links that really helps on top of all your other efforts. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Enjoy your read below! If you use Social Monkee you could ended up having your site removed as result from Google Search Engines and your domain forever marked. - -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Social Monkee and any other such services = say goodbye to the hope of gaining real quality traffic and seeing your site come up in Google engine listings for any of your keywords. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
l quality traffic and seeing yo
hi..what u do think of having a link short...will it help getting traffic..
In my own opinion short URL's can be friendlier but will not really get you any more traffic or better ranking than long URL's.
There are benefits of having a short URL for example it might be easier to remember. URL's kind of describe a site or page to visitors and search engines. Keeping them relevant, compelling, and accurate ... this can at times also be the key to ranking well.
l quality traffic and seeing yo
hi..what u do think of having a link short...will it help getting traffic.. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |