I am running a patched version of 6.1 (upgraded from 6.0) and keep on getting hacked.
I have the following config:
register_globals = Off
magic_quotes_gpc = On
allow_url_fopen = On
mod_rewrite = On
RewriteEngine = On
Here is the message I recieved from my host:
Your hosting account has been attacked via an insecure PHP
- the following malicious files have been uploaded to your webspace:
Having disabled these files, we will unlock your account after this e-mail.
Please understand that the temporary lock of your account was necessary to
protect our infrastructure.
To reestablish the security of your webspace, please proceed now as follows:
Secure all security leaks in your scripts. We found successful
exploits through at least the following:
******* /index.php
******** /Dolphin/
249 /********* /Dolphin/rate.php/plugins/safehtml/safehtml.php