
I'm getting database errors about a column not defined in a table from search_result.php.  That file doesn't even exist in the new dolphin, it appears to be left over from 6.005.  Anybody konw what could be calling it?  I can't replicate it no matter what i search on, but the errors to pop into my inbox throughout the day.

Quote · 30 May 2008

Post the error report you received through email

Quote · 30 May 2008
Here it is:  I suppose I could just ln -s search.php search_result.php.  But am unclear to why it is even getting called.

Database error in Red Sox Chat

(LastNavTime > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 MINUTE)) as is_onl

FROM Profiles
INNER JOIN `Tags` USING( `ID` ) WHERE Status = 'Active' AND `Tags`.`Type` = 'profile' AND ( `Tags`.`Tag` = 'candles' )
Profiles.LastLoggedIn DESC
LIMIT 0, 10

Mysql error:
Unknown column 'LastNavTime' in 'field list'

Found error in file /home/pkennedy/public_html/search_result.php
at line 575. Called db_res function
with erroneous argument #0

Debug backtrace:
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/pkennedy/public_html/search_result.php
[line] => 575
[function] => db_res
[args] => Array
[0] =>
(LastNavTime > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 MINUTE)) as is_onl

FROM Profiles
INNER JOIN `Tags` USING( `ID` ) WHERE Status = 'Active' AND `Tags`.`Type` = 'profile' AND ( `Tags`.`Tag` = 'candles' )
Profiles.LastLoggedIn DESC
LIMIT 0, 10




Called script: /search_result.php

Request parameters:
[tag] => candles

Auto-report system
Quote · 30 May 2008

In that file replace "LastNavTime" with "DateLastNav" and "LastLoggedIn" to  "DateLastLogin"

Quote · 30 May 2008

I've actually done that after looking at the new database, and things are fine now, but what I don' understand is why this file is even being used.  There is not a copy of it in my full download package of 6.1.1.

Quote · 30 May 2008

Here are the files the reference it...on my box. I'm not using tmpl_uni, so I can see where it's getting called. Should this be changed?

root@server [/home/pkennedy/public_html]# grep -R "search_result.php" *

inc/ 'Link' => "browse.php|search_result.php",
inc/ 'Link' => "search_result.php?online_only=1",
templates/tmpl_uni/page_125.html: <form method="get" action="search_result.php">
templates/tmpl_uni/scripts/index.php: $hrefTmpl = 'search_result.php?tag={tag}';
templates/tmpl_uni/scripts/index.php: $ret .= '<form action="search_result.php" method="get">';

Quote · 30 May 2008

another table that doesn't exist:

SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `search_type` 'none' ORDER BY `search_order` ASC

Mysql error:
Table 'pkennedy_dolphin.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist

Found error in file /home/pkennedy/public_html/search_result.php
at line 232. Called db_res function
with erroneous argument #0

Debug backtrace:
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/pkennedy/public_html/search_result.php
[line] => 232
[function] => db_res
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `search_type` 'none' ORDER BY `search_order` ASC



Called script: /search_result.php

Request parameters:
[online_only] => 1
Quote · 31 May 2008

If you are using dolphin 6.1 this file is not there. If you have upgraded it, You have not replaced and uploaded files correctly. Check that.

Quote · 31 May 2008

I upgraded.  I'm aware that it is not part of the 6.1.1. package....kind of what I've been asking..why is it still being called, and it's not an error I can replicate.  The two files that reference it are inc/ and a tmpl_uni file.  I'm not using tmp_uni, so that's not it.  It has to be that is also not part  of 6.1.1.

I didn't see anything about removing files during the upgrade process.  I could remove search_result.php, but then obviously whateve is calling it will just fail.  I'll pose my previous question.  Do you think just doing a ln -s search.php search_result.php would fix the issue?  This is what I did with join_form.php so that the ad's I'd place in various place would symbolically link to the new join.php.

I may just step thru the upgrade again today.  I have the upgrade pack and the full pack both downloaded, and I've found some files ( is one) that are not the same.

Quote · 31 May 2008

Just remove that file dolphin 6.1 will not use it any more.

Quote · 1 Jun 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.