Regarding the share buttons: open your site with chrome or firefox (maybe chrome is better in this case) right click on the button you would like to remove and then chose the inspect element option, your browsers developer console will subsequently open and from there you will be able to figure out what id or class the share button has, do this by moving your mouse over the button you would like to remove while at the same time looking the style tab in your developer console to see what is highlighted when you fiddle with the button, that way its easy to find out what css your button has, it can also be good practice to try editing the relevant css properties for that specific element directly in the browser console before making any changes to your code, mainly to make sure that you correctly have identified what class your looking for, also to see what potential results any modifications may have. the next step to actually implement your desired changes may be done by opening your favorite text editor i.e. WS code, atom, brackets, sublime, note++ or any other advanced text-editor and then add your websites document root as a new project folder and then search the folder for your elements class and might help you find the location of the code you need to edit, if you just want to remove/hide the share button, try to add css property{display:none;} to your buttons class and it should disappear, keep in mind that other with same class may also disappear, in that case you could add a new class or special id for that button, and then modify the relevant html markup file to match your new changes...
Regarding your question about copy and paste images: there is probably no direct straight forward easy answer to how you completely prevent copying of images, because there are various methods in witch images can be "copied" from a website and it all depends a lot of different variables. But as GeekGirl already mentioned, the most obvious and common solution would be using javascript or JQuery, and there are lots of easy to implement plugins and code snippets that can take care of that, another way is using your .htaccess file, there are many great boilerplate's, resources and templates for .htaccess rules, one example can be found here but remember that its not recommended to overly use your .htaccess file to solve all kinds of problems, because it uses unnecessary server resources and ultimately slows down your website, its better to set rules in your httpd.conf, all configurations that can be set in .htaccess file can also be set in httpd.conf but if your not sure about what your doing, or just need to set a few rules or test something, it might be better and more safe to use .htaccess file, because only a small mistake in httpd.conf may result in crashing your server and if your not experienced using SSH this can be a really bad headache..
and here is a magic link to find answers to all your question...
I am going setting up an adult themed site and need to remove the social media share buttons from the site completely. How do I do that? I have tried the answers to the previous posts.
Also I would like to turn off the right click functionality of the site for copy and paste of photos and videos?