What files did you remove that is causing this:
File name cannot be empty in /home/inc/classes/BxDolEvents.php on line 252
If you have a base install then this is what inc/classes/BxDolEvents.php shows for that section of code, line 252 is highlighted:
// event place
$sEventCountry = process_db_input( $_POST['event_country'], 1 );
$sEventCity = process_db_input( $_POST['event_city'], 1 );
$EventPlace = process_db_input( $_POST['event_place'], 1 );
$sTags = process_db_input( $_POST['event_tags'], 1 );
$aTags = explodeTags($sTags);
$sTags = implode(",", $aTags);
$sEventPhotoFilename = '';
if ($_FILES['event_photo']) {
$sPictureName = $sBaseName;
$aScan = getimagesize($_FILES['event_photo']['tmp_name']);
if ( in_array($aScan[2], array(1,2,3,6)) && 0 < strlen( $_FILES['event_photo']['name']) ) {
$sCurrentTime = time();
if ($iEventID == -1) {
$sBaseName = 'g_'. $sCurrentTime .'_1';
} else {
$sBaseName = db_value("SELECT `PhotoFilename` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `ID`='{$iEventID}' LIMIT 1");
if ($sBaseName!="") {
if (ereg ("([a-z0-9_]+)\.", $sBaseName, $aRegs)) {
$sBaseName = $aRegs[1];
} else {
$sBaseName = ($sBaseName!="") ? $sBaseName : 'g_'. $sCurrentTime .'_1';
$sExt = moveUploadedImage( $_FILES, 'event_photo', $dir['tmp'] . $sBaseName, '', false );
$sBaseName .= $sExt;
$sPictureName = $sBaseName;
$sThumbName = 'thumb_'.$sBaseName;
$sIconName = 'icon_'.$sBaseName;
With that in mind, it appears that you have removed the very folders/files that were supposed to hold the images and thus they have no place to go now. Put them back and your problem will be solved. If you can't remember what you deleted, which is a really stupid thing to do, I don't even have to work to demonstrate how stupid it is to allow a 5 year old to conduct a lobotomy, which is what you did. If you can't remember, then get a fresh install of 6.1.6 and open it on your laptop using your FTP right next to your servers files and go through them one at a time, every part of the tree, until you find what your lower brain removed.