ray suite free not working


i am new to this. I finde this really great.

So i have decided to download Dolphin-v.6.1.4-Free with ray suite free included. After i have install the script and

wanted to admin the ray suite a new window opend and try to connect but it only stand "loading error"

What's the problem??? Can anyone help me please? i am hosting on 1&1

where i must type the connection:

BMS address: rms.boonex.com



Quote · 23 Aug 2008

admin/ray suite/base settings

I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com
Quote · 23 Aug 2008

yes i know, but when i klick on admin/ray suite/ than it show me in the new window:

loading error.

maybe could it be the problem with my domain name:

www.glücksflirt.de    about the "ü" ?

it calls also


and that is the domain who found dolphin during installation. or must i put the real name www.glücksflirt.de??

don't know yet

Quote · 23 Aug 2008

yep it cant find where to open anything

ray/modules/incheader.inc.php check path

with inc/header.inc.php it has right path

I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com
Quote · 23 Aug 2008

i see...there are no entries in the ray header.inc.

must i write there the database settings all again?

why aren't there the new entries automatic?

now i think i have made something wrong...when i klcik now in admin/plugin/ ray suite in the new window stands:

Warning: main(ray/modules/global/inc/content.inc.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/22/d253034627/htdocs/ray/index.php on line 23

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'ray/modules/global/inc/content.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /homepages/22/d253034627/htdocs/ray/index.php on line 23

Quote · 23 Aug 2008


this is now my header.inc in the ray/modules/global :

* This notice may not be removed from the source code.

* Current version information.
if(!defined("VERSION")) define("VERSION", "3.1.0000");

* Data Base Settings
if(!defined("DB_HOST")) define("DB_HOST", $db['host']);
if(!defined("DB_PORT")) define("DB_PORT", $db['port']);
if(!defined("DB_SOCKET")) define("DB_SOCKET", $db['sock']);
if(!defined("DB_NAME")) define("DB_NAME", $db['db']);
if(!defined("DB_USER")) define("DB_USER", $db['user']);
if(!defined("DB_PASSWORD")) define("DB_PASSWORD", $db['passwd']);
if(!defined("DB_PREFIX")) define("DB_PREFIX", "Ray");
if(!defined("GLOBAL_MODULE")) define("GLOBAL_MODULE", "global");
if(!defined("GLOBAL_DB_PREFIX")) define("GLOBAL_DB_PREFIX", DB_PREFIX . "Global");
$sDBModule = strtoupper(substr($sModule, 0, 1)) . substr($sModule, 1);
if(!defined("MODULE_DB_PREFIX")) define("MODULE_DB_PREFIX", DB_PREFIX . $sDBModule);

* Login and password for admin.
$sAdminLogin = "admin";
$sAdminPassword = "dolphin";

* General Settings
* URL and absolute path for the Ray location directory.
$sRootPath = $dir['root'];
$sRootURL = $site['url'];
$sRayHomeDir = "ray/";

$sHomeUrl = $sRootURL . $sRayHomeDir;
$sHomePath = $sRootPath . $sRayHomeDir;

* Pathes to the system directories and necessary files.
$sModulesDir = "modules/";
$sModulesUrl = $sHomeUrl . $sModulesDir;
$sModulesPath = $sHomePath . $sModulesDir;

$sGlobalDir = "global/";
$sGlobalUrl = $sModulesUrl . $sGlobalDir;
$sGlobalPath = $sModulesPath . $sGlobalDir;

$sFfmpegPath = $sGlobalPath . "app/ffmpeg.exe";

$sIncPath = $sGlobalPath . "inc/";

$sDataDir = "data/";
$sDataUrl = $sGlobalUrl . $sDataDir;
$sDataPath = $sGlobalPath . $sDataDir;

$sSmilesetsDir = "smilesets/";
$sSmilesetsUrl = $sDataUrl . $sSmilesetsDir;
$sSmilesetsPath = $sDataPath . $sSmilesetsDir;

* Default smileset name. It has to be equel to the name of some directory in the "smilesets" directory.
* The default path to smilesets directory is [path_to_ray]/data/smilesets
$sDefSmileset = "DefaultSmiles";

$sNoImageUrl = $sDataUrl . "no_photo.jpg";
$sWomanImageUrl = $sDataUrl . "woman.gif";
$sManImageUrl = $sDataUrl . "man.gif";

* Cron Update Interval (in seconds)
$iCronUpdateInterval = 600;

* Integration parameters.
* URL of the site in which Ray is integrated.
$sScriptHomeDir = "";
$sScriptHomeUrl = $sRootURL . $sScriptHomeDir;

* Path to images direcrory
$sImagesPath = $sScriptHomeUrl . "media/images/profile/";

* URL of the profile view page
$sProfileUrl = $sScriptHomeUrl . "profile.php";

Quote · 23 Aug 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.