I'm submitting this post hoping Deano will have a quick response, but anyone else feel free if you have the knowledge :)
I started utilizing the avatar display php block that you had provided a sound example for, and am using it to put in some additional information from the member's profile (easy enough, just need to know the ID for the information I want). I also want to display the user's membership type, but this is something not tracked in the Profile table. Do you have an easy way to pull this detail, based on the original php block you had provided?
This is the php block code I'm using:
$aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($this -> oProfileGen -> _iProfileID);
$sIcon = get_member_thumbnail($aProfileInfo['ID'], 'none');
$sNick = $aProfileInfo['NickName'];
$sFLName = $aProfileInfo['FirstName'] . " " . $aProfileInfo['LastName'];
$sCode = '
<div style="float: left; width: 132px; border: 1px solid black; background-color: #333; padding: 5px; color: #ff8400; font-weight: bold;">
<div style="text-align: center; padding-bottom: 6px; padding-top: 6px;">' . $sNick . '</div>
<div align="center">' . $sIcon . '</div>
echo $sCode;
I guess what I'm really looking for is how I'd manipulate the database to get information across tables based on memberID, using the membership type as an example but I have a few others I'd like to pull as well - but I think I could figure those out with a sound example.
Any help here is greatly appreciated! I am a php/mysql rookie (dangerous), so please forgive me if it is a simple task :)