problems installing


after the last installation step, get the message "can not install script (or something similar) and then redirect to the installation folder again. I have checked all the server data and seems ok, I tried several times but the result is the same.


Quote · 12 Jun 2009

would need clear information on what the (or something similar) would be here. need to take a couple of screen captures and post them if or a link to them if you could?


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 12 Jun 2009

First I thank you for your interest in helping

do not need no screenshot, it's something very strange, just when you finish installing, go back to step 1 again

but if I really need to go back to vegas and the files do catch

and I apologize for my level of English so poor

Quote · 12 Jun 2009
one question, is it necessary to load the structure in SQL or automatically loaded during installation? ¿Only have to create a database?
Quote · 13 Jun 2009

If you have created the database name, database user, and password prior to installing it will automatically populted the data into mysql during install provided everything is done right. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 13 Jun 2009

I tested both ways, but the result is the same, after the first returns to the last step for installation.

Here attached the image that comes after the latest step

¿Someone can help me please?

installation URL
is where I am testing
Quote · 13 Jun 2009
Do you need information about the server?

I'm desperate

Quote · 13 Jun 2009

you have to make sure that all your files/folders have the correct permissions, or the instalation will go around in circles.



Quote · 13 Jun 2009
I arrived late but thank you for being interested in helping

throughout the facility have been changing the permissions using the steps indicated that the installer Frown

I also wanted to ask if there are any installation manual
Quote · 14 Jun 2009

You are missing a file which should have been created at install and AUTO placed in the INC folder. Check your INC folder and verify the is there. IF NOT...


You need to create one and upload to the INC folder. Setting the appropriate parameters:





*                            Dolphin Smart Community Builder
*                              -----------------
*     begin                : Mon Mar 23 2006
*     copyright            : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group
*     website              :
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to

$site['ver']               = '6.1';
$site['build']             = '6';
$site['title']             = 'YOURSITENAME';
$site['url']               = "";
$admin_dir                 = "admin";
$site['url_admin']         = "{$site['url']}$admin_dir/";
$site['url_aff']           = "{$site['url']}aff/";
$site['profileImage']      = "{$site['url']}media/images/profile/";
$site['profileBackground'] = "{$site['url']}media/images/profile_bg/";
$site['profileSound']      = "{$site['url']}media/sound/";
$site['profileVideo']      = "{$site['url']}media/video/";
$site['sharingImages']     = "{$site['url']}media/images/sharingImages/";

$site['mediaImages']       = "{$site['url']}media/images/";
$site['gallery']           = "{$site['url']}media/images/gallery/";
$site['flags']             = "{$site['url']}media/images/flags/";
$site['blogImage']         = "{$site['url']}media/images/blog/";
$site['sdatingImage']      = "{$site['url']}media/images/sdating/";
$site['smiles']            = "{$site['url']}media/images/smiles/";
$site['banners']           = "{$site['url']}media/images/banners/";
$site['imagesPromo']       = "{$site['url']}media/images/promo/";
$site['tmp']               = "{$site['url']}tmp/";
$site['preCheckout']       = "{$site['url']}checkout/pre_checkout.php";
$site['plugins']           = "{$site['url']}plugins/";
$site['base']              = "{$site['url']}templates/base/";


$site['email']             = "";
$site['email_notify']      = "";
$site['bugReportMail']     = "";


$dir['root']               = "/home/YOURSITENAME/public_html/";
$dir['inc']                = "{$dir['root']}inc/";
$dir['profileImage']       = "{$dir['root']}media/images/profile/";
$dir['profileBackground']  = "{$dir['root']}media/images/profile_bg/";
$dir['profileSound']       = "{$dir['root']}media/sound/";
$dir['profileVideo']       = "{$dir['root']}media/video/";
$dir['sharingImages']      = "{$dir['root']}media/images/sharingImages/";

$dir['mediaImages']        = "{$dir['root']}media/images/";
$dir['gallery']            = "{$dir['root']}media/images/gallery/";
$dir['flags']              = "{$dir['root']}media/images/flags/";
$dir['blogImage']          = "{$dir['root']}media/images/blog/";
$dir['sdatingImage']       = "{$dir['root']}media/images/sdating/";
$dir['smiles']             = "{$dir['root']}media/images/smiles/";
$dir['banners']            = "{$dir['root']}media/images/banners/";
$dir['imagesPromo']        = "{$dir['root']}media/images/promo/";
$dir['tmp']                = "{$dir['root']}tmp/";
$dir['cache']              = "{$dir['root']}cache/";
$dir['plugins']            = "{$dir['root']}plugins/";
$dir['base']               = "{$dir['root']}templates/base/";
$dir['classes']            = "{$dir['inc']}classes/";

$video_ext                 = 'avi';
$MOGRIFY                   = "/usr/local/bin/mogrify";
$CONVERT                   = "/usr/local/bin/convert";
$COMPOSITE                 = "/usr/local/bin/composite";
$PHPBIN                    = "/usr/local/bin/php";

$db['host']                = 'localhost';
$db['sock']                = '';
$db['port']                = '';
$db['user']                = 'YOURSITENAME_DB_USER';
$db['passwd']              = 'YOURSITENAME_DB_PW ';
$db['db']                  = 'YOURSITENAME_DB_NAME';

define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC', $dir['inc']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT', $dir['root']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_BASE', $dir['base']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CACHE', $dir['cache']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES', $dir['classes']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS', $dir['plugins']);

define('DATABASE_HOST', $db['host']);
define('DATABASE_SOCK', $db['sock']);
define('DATABASE_PORT', $db['port']);
define('DATABASE_USER', $db['user']);
define('DATABASE_PASS', $db['passwd']);
define('DATABASE_NAME', $db['db']);


//check safe_mode
if( (int)ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) )
  echo '<b>Warning.</b> Dolphin cannot work in safe mode';

//check mbstring
if( !extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ) ) {
  echo '<b>Warning!</b> Dolphin cannot work without <b>mbstring</b> extension.
    Please go to the
    <a href="">Dolphin Troubleshooter</a>
    and solve the problem.';

//check correct hostname
$aUrl = parse_url( $site['url'] );
if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) and $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != $aUrl['host'] and $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != $aUrl['host'] . ':80' )
  header( "Location:http://{$aUrl['host']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" );


// check if install folder exists
if ( file_exists( $dir['root'] . 'install' ) )
  $ret = <<<EOJ
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">
      <title>Dolphin Smart Community Builder Installed</title>
      <link href="install/general.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
      <div id="main">
      <div id="header">
        <img src="install/images/boonex_logo.gif" alt="" /></div>
      <div id="content">
        <div class="installed_pic">
          <img alt="Dolphin Installed" src="install/images/dolphin_installed.jpg" />

      <div class="installed_text">
        Please, remove INSTALL directory from your server and reload this page to activate your community site.
  echo $ret;

// set error reporting level
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase', 0);

// set default encoding for multibyte functions

//--- Ray Integration ---//
require_once($dir['root'] . "ray/modules/global/inc/");
require_once($dir['root'] . "ray/modules/global/inc/");
//--- Ray Integration ---//

Quote · 14 Jun 2009

hi, thank you very much for your help, the problem is already solved. I purchased a domain and hosting and I have problems if installed.

but now I have another problem EmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassed what went on in the administration if I do not know the password or name manager?

when it was installing I was not asked at any time

Now what? Have I done something wrong?

help, please!
Quote · 20 Jun 2009
Now everything is solved, thank you very much for your help!
Quote · 20 Jun 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.