polls designbox 1 is hardcoded


 return ($bUseDesignBox && $sOutputCode) ? DesignBoxContent($sBlockCaption, $sOutputCode, 1, '', $sPaginate) : $sOutputCode . $sPaginate;

 return ($bUseDesignBox && $sOutputCode) ? DesignBoxContent($sBlockCaption, $sOutputCode, $sPaginate) : $sOutputCode . $sPaginate;

1, '', not needed  

Quote · 10 Feb 2013

I believe that it should be there, please can you be more descriptive, what is an effect in user side in both variants ?

Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 11 Feb 2013

ok i'll try
let's say we want to change the polls block to designbox_3.html which will be without the header or without the caption

see img. bellow is with 1, '', and without it

poll.JPG · 32.9K · 421 views
Quote · 11 Feb 2013

This function provide results for different pages, the change you mention will affect other pages as well, to get rid of hardcoded design box in this place - more changes are needed then checking of every page in polls module is necessary.

Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 12 Feb 2013

did you get all this sorted out? what happens if there is one with a VERY long question.  Will that push down all other blocks unevenly?  I did try a few myself.  only in css tho.  

Quote · 12 Feb 2013

I saw this post the other day and I was not exactly sure what was going on. But let me ask. Couldnt you go into the sys_page_compose table and change the designbox there?

Quote · 12 Feb 2013


I saw this post the other day and I was not exactly sure what was going on. But let me ask. Couldnt you go into the sys_page_compose table and change the designbox there?

 that's one way to do it, i have my way of doing it ;) btw it's not about how to change it, it is what it shows when it's changed .

bx.JPG · 20.6K · 374 views
Quote · 12 Feb 2013


This function provide results for different pages, the change you mention will affect other pages as well, to get rid of hardcoded design box in this place - more changes are needed then checking of every page in polls module is necessary.

 we are not on the same page here ;)

when you have time try and change the design box from 1 to 3 for polls block and you'll see what i am talking about.

Quote · 12 Feb 2013

I'm afraid it's not just the homepage polls block.  It's also 'blog post view' .... and who knows how many others.

BxBlogsModule,php  line 1253

        $sPostsSectDB = DesignBoxContent(_t('_bx_blog_post_view'), $sPostStringVal . $sSPaginate, 1);
        return $sPostsSectDB;


My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 Feb 2013


I'm afraid it's not just the homepage polls block.  It's also 'blog post view' .... and who knows how many others.

BxBlogsModule,php  line 1253

        $sPostsSectDB = DesignBoxContent(_t('_bx_blog_post_view'), $sPostStringVal . $sSPaginate, 1);
        return $sPostsSectDB;


 correct, i forgot to mention that, i fail to see how alex doesn't see it

Quote · 12 Feb 2013


correct, i forgot to mention that, i fail to see how alex doesn't see it

 Do you know if those are the ONLY two? Seems like a person would have to install every single module, add content, and set every single block to design box 3, to see if any of them have a title afterwards. 

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 Feb 2013



correct, i forgot to mention that, i fail to see how alex doesn't see it

 Do you know if those are the ONLY two? Seems like a person would have to install every single module, add content, and set every single block to design box 3, to see if any of them have a title afterwards. 

 one i posted above

2. browse.php country block
~551 return DesignBoxContent( _t( '_Browse' ),  $sContent, 1);

3. forum-recent topics block, forums-index forums index block
No clue where to make the changes

didn't notice more

Quote · 12 Feb 2013
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