phpBB3 Integration (Mail, Ray, My Account)

We've worked on and off with the phpBB3 integrations and a lot of members have helped out with this.  So far we've done a pretty good job (everyone who's jumped into this) at getting it to work and run correctly.  Now, it's time to take it to the next level and truly pull of the integration and bring it around. 


I've been working towards inputting the Ray IM (My Presence), My Account, My Mail (showing unread e-mails) and I think I'm getting closer.  Just not nailing it right on yet. 


in templates/tmpl_{tmp}/scripts/functions.php


<div class="topMemberBlock">
                        <?= get_member_icon( $memberID, 'right' ) ?>
                        <div class="hello_member"><?= _t( '_Hello member', getNickName( $memberID ) ) ?></div>

                        <div class="hello_actions">
                                <span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>member.php"><?= _t('_My account') ?></a></span>
                                <span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>mail.php?mode=inbox"><?= _t('_My Mail') ?></a><?=' '.$sNewLet;?></span>
                                <span><a href="<? echo getProfileLink( $memberID ) ?>"><?= _t('_My Profile') ?></a></span>
                                <span><a href="javascript:void(0);"
                                  onclick=" '<?= $site['url'] ?>presence_pop.php' , 'Presence', 'width=224,height=600,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1');"
                                  ><?= _t('_RayPresence') ?></a></span>
                                <span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>logout.php?action=member_logout"><?= _t('_Log Out2') ?></a></span>


That is the section inside of dolphin that controls all the little items we take for granted in the Hello_member section of the Dolphin Header.  The trick now, how do we get this into phpBB3?  My brain is saying to dump it into the styles/template/overall_header.html though haven't worked it out quite yet.


Somehow need to teach phpBB3 that '_My Mail' means to display # of new e-mails and to take member to their inbox.  And yes, I know this is not the right spot for all of it, just can't figure out the correct file to put this in.

Quote · 9 Aug 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.