What is the status of the integration of Dolphin and phpBB? I know this was emphasized in earlier versions, then was done by a number of third party mods, and I haven't heard much about it sinse. Has Boonex completely dropped supporting this in favor of Orca? Does anyone have plans to develop such a mod?
There will be *.aemod files inside the modules folder which you can use for integration.
You have to upload it to you admin->modules. and then compare the database.
---- |
i tried this with the aemod which is deliverd with Dolphin. But for me its not working with phpBB3.
Im getting SQL Errors.
Ill try to find why. But if anyone already got it.... ;)
Ok, now i tried my bought one from Dolphin 6.03 for phpbb2. This is also not working..grrr.
Hopefully someone else got some news orh helping hand with this.
You should have phpbb already installed inside the forum folder of dolphin. ---- |
Well i installed phpbb3 in folder forum/ also i instlled it in the same db as in previous version, but its not working with users etc.
Post the error that you have experienced. ---- |
The most problems are, that the column got different names to the old version. And this is the reason why its not working.
LastReg is DateLastReg as example.
I tried to rewrite it to the new names, but im stuck atm. There is a column "userLevel" which i cant find in the new version.
Then you have to modify that aemod file for that. ---- |
Yeah this it what i try. But as i said, im stuck atm with some fields which doesnt extist anymore in new version, so thats my problem. Ok, lets see how far i can go at the weekend. |
I'm working on it.. I'll let you know what I find out :-) BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I have a mod for another system that auto logs users in for phpbb. It's kind of old and all now I was working on this for a while, but I got side tracked and have some other things that I need to get done first. Maybe when I finish up I can look at it again or pass the code onto someone that has more time than I do. DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Suppose this was a fresh install of phpBB3 - so you weren't worried about existing users - i.e. the "registration" would be exclusively through Dolphin. Has anyone done the integration with that scenario?
Suppose this was a fresh install of phpBB3 - so you weren't worried about existing users - i.e. the "registration" would be exclusively through Dolphin. Has anyone done the integration with that scenario?
Sure, this is about what im talking ;)
I'm sorry, I am missing something basic here. What is the "aemod that comes installed with Dolphin"? Where do I find it?
Its like a bridge between Dolphin and Phpbb. You can find this and other "bridges" ind you module folder. |
It is in the module directory but it will ONLY work with phpbb2... and even with phpbb2 it doesn't work correctly because it encrypts the passwords that Dolphin has already encrypted... but that is easy to fix, just open the aemod file and take out the all the "MD5"s... BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
It is in the module directory but it will ONLY work with phpbb2... and even with phpbb2 it doesn't work correctly because it encrypts the passwords that Dolphin has already encrypted... but that is easy to fix, just open the aemod file and take out the all the "MD5"s...
Even then you get the error which is followed at the end of the post. Ill try to figure out, what i have done with my other side, cause there it is working with phpbb2. Maybe its an older vsion then the actual, may there are some problems.
Database error in boonex Query: SELECT Max(`LastReg`) FROM `Profiles`
Mysql error: Unknown column 'LastReg' in 'field list'
Here is the REAL finished product if anyone is interested:
Those are complete versions of Dolphin with phpBB3 and Pommo mass mailer
built in!!
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Yeah thats right. Hopefully they will submit anything like this which is working with the actual version of both systems. |
Hi - to bump this topic back, a few questions:
1. Has anyone out there gotten this to work? I mean with the current versions of phpBB and Dolphin? I'm not overly impressed by Orca, and would like to use phpBB with a Dolphin registration, if it is at all possible.
2. I understand that to get this to work, you are supposed to install this in the /forum folder of Dolphin. I already have a Dolphin install at mysite/community and a phpBB install at mysite/forums. Will I have to install phpBB at mysite/community/forum - or can I use my existing install.
Let's get a working group together on this if we can. As I mentioned, I don't care for Orca, and I think Dolphin and phpBB could compliment each other wonderfully.
You can find a phpbb3 module/bridge on expertzzz from user esase. But didnt tried it yet. |
and how to donwload that free version if when i press download it says "
Download failed due to the following reason
You did not buy this product. Click here to add Dolphin EXTREME phpBB3 Pommo Free product to shopping cart.
Hi Pisius,
thanks for posting that, but the link does not work. Could you please post the correct link. As I mentioned on another thread, I have installedphpBB 3.0.1
into the /forum directory, uploaded the phpbb.aemod via the modules
panel, and made configuration changes as instructed, but I got this
database errorL
refresh.php returned: Module error: synchronizeProfiles(): exec(/usr/local/bin/php -f refresh.php 1 admin ) returned 127
Does anyone know what this means? I am also unclear if I need to use a third party mod for this integration, or if this will be enough once I get it to work. Could someone shed some light on this for me?
Ok, I probably didn't read the thread carefully enough and now understand that the module that comes with Dolphin is only for phpBB 2 - which hardly anyone uses anymore, and that there are several competing mods for integration with phpBB 3.x. I downloaded Rynes mod for this, and while I appreciate him doing it for free I didn't like the idea of replacing the entire member.php file, as that will almost certainly change with future versions of Dolphin. I've already paid for one mod for this that didn't work all that well, plus at the moment I don't have much money so would like to avoid paying if I can. More important though, I want to take the right approach and really wish Boonex would support this. Does anyone have any advice on the right approach here. Does anyone have it working?
Does anyone know what is going on with this? The admod that comes with Dolphin doesn't work for phpBB3.x. I wrote Boonex but all they said was that "some guy" on Expertzzz had developed a mod for this but didn't say who. The free mod that was developed now has a broken link. The paid mod developed by mscott is bundled seems to be designed for a fresh install only. I wrote him to ask about this and what would happen when Dolphin has a new version, but he didn't respond to my message. This shouldn't be this hard - does anyone have this working and have any suggestions on what to do next.