new member cant join


Since the upgrade for ver 7.3.3 to 7.3.4 new member cant join. i have checked all the setting including the one on the website and it all looks normal. Would appreciate any input on this.

Thank Michael

Quote · 4 Dec 2017

Hello !


May you please specify your situation with more details. What errors new users get during join process? In what step? Did your site keep settings of fields of join page? 


With the best regards, Leonid

Quote · 5 Dec 2017


Hi Leonid

I upgraded on the 2nd November and it all went well. I had some unwelcome temp member logging on, so I may have set loginphp.php as a text file in the public_html folder on my website.

This file had the original date 29/07/17 which is when i loaded the website, instead of the 02/11/17 like the other php files which is the day i did the upgrade to 7.3.4.

When I try to sign a new member up on the join screen, it just says loading and does not load the next form. i suspected the google reCAPTCHA may have been a cause but i have reloaded it and it looks normal. Checked the public/private key and it all appears correct.

i also checked the database and again it looks ok along with php selector in the cpanel

Any help on this would be appreciated.




join screen ma071217.jpg · 153.3K · 226 views
join.php · 1.1K · 242 downloads
loginphp.php · 3.4K · 233 downloads
cPanel - PHP Selector _ extensions.pdf · 86.6K · 271 downloads
Quote · 7 Dec 2017

Hello Michael!


If this JOIN popup doesn't work then it may have Javascript errors as reason. If you have this trouble in site from attached screenshot - frmo my side i see many errors there with CORS policy. So you need to correct your modification to restore join to work. If not - thne PM me actual URL.


With the best regards, Leonid

Quote · 7 Dec 2017

Hi Leonid


Was there any changes to loginphp.php when the software updated to ver 7.3.4 from 7.3.3

The normal members(already registered) login works, but when you fill in the join menu the and click on the join button, it does not lunch into the next form where you fill the rest of your details in. The URL is and you can email me on if you want to have a look at the site.





Quote · 7 Dec 2017

Hi Michael, the fact that you changed the extension of a vital .php file to a .txt file to stop an intruder indicates something to me. Changing file extensions can do serious damage to the operation of your script and possibly bring on other problems. For example, did you change or remove anything else?

It would be difficult for us to solve your problem for you under these circumstances.

Also, you say that people can login okay, yet you then ask if the login file has been updated, suggesting that this may be the cause. 

May I suggest you obtain a copy of WinMerge (free) and compare the files yourself. Also, you could begin replacing the files you think you may have changed with those from the upgrade or the original 7.3.3 script. Not all files in the upgrade were updated.

Next you should use the admin controls available to you to overcome intruder issues. You can make the site "By invitation", or stop casual visitors by making it members only and use AntonLV's free approval mod.

Quote · 7 Dec 2017

Hello Michael!

First of all i don't see proper working page Also as you answered above - no need to change extension of the files in script. PM me here of FTP access of your site, i will check where need to restore filenames back.

With the best regards, Leonid

Quote · 8 Dec 2017

There is alot of error. Upgrade is not sucessful maybe some of the file is missing or the added code or module affects the site join area.

"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @
Quote · 8 Dec 2017



i send a PM to you Lenoid, please let me know what you need for access. i have looked through the source code and i can not see where the join button when clicked takes you.


One of the lines in the code is highlighted in red which i take means there is an error in it.


Thanks again





<div class="sys-sm-item sys-smi-join bx-def-margin-sec-left-auto" onclick="showPopupLoginForm(); return false;""><div class="sys-sm-profile"><span class="sys-smp-thumbnail"><i class="sys-icon user"></i></span><span class="sys-smp-title bx-def-margin-sec-left bx-def-margin-right">  Join or Login  </span></div></div>
Quote · 10 Dec 2017

Did you try replacing that file with the original?

Quote · 10 Dec 2017

Hi John


Where can i get a copy of ver 7.3.4 loginphp.php to compare with the 7.3.3 version i have. I don't want to reload the software to get this one file.


if there was any change to this file when i ungraded, it would not have implemented.


Also when you click on the join button, where does this take you, what php file opens.


Thank you




Quote · 11 Dec 2017


i figured a work around in the data base to add members if i could not just join them. Try this

  • log in to your cpanel
  • click on the phpadmin database
  • access the second page of the database (sql)
  • click on profiles and you will see all member displayed
  • if you have spare member, edit the details to fit the new members requirements
  • to add a new member just copy and insert a new entry making sure the new entry has the next ID number
  • the password will be the same as the member copied
  • save it and click on create php
  • exit the database and cpanel
  • log in as the new user

i have checked this and it appears to work fine, not a perfect solution but it will allow your website to expand until you can resolve why the join function is not working.

Thank you


Quote · 11 Dec 2017

Hi Michael!


Sorry but i didn't get letter from you. May you repeat it if your problem is still actual?



Quote · 11 Dec 2017

I would NOT add new members in the way you suggest. Dolphin uses a relational database where the ID may be generated in other tables when a new member joins. Although the profile may appear okay, you could be creating problems further down the track. In all honesty I don't know it that's the case, but I'd never do what you are doing.

I'm now very, very confused. You said the people had problems getting past the first join form when they attempt to join. Yet you say you changed Login.php because of an intruder attempting to login. 

Do you mean you changed join.php? If so, the 7.3.4 version is the same as the 7.3.3 version.

The reason I raise this is because there is no login file called loginphp.php or login.php other than one that appears in the forum module. Also, join.php appears in your Dolphin Root and not public_html.

I've attached the file. Upload it and see if it solves your problems.

join.php · 1.1K · 238 downloads
Quote · 11 Dec 2017

Hi John


Thank you for getting back to me. This file is in the public_html folder on your website. i have attached a screen shot of where the file is located (loginphp.php). Do you have these files in the public_html folder?

On my website, this is where they are located and not in the home or root dir.

As you can see in some of the other php files that updated to Nov 2 when i did the upgrade the loginphp.php did not because i had changed it to a txt file which appeared to restrict the unwanted temp member joining. i did not change it back before i upgraded and think this may have caused the problem with join not working.

The second post i put up has a screen shot of the join menu, when join button clicked, it saves loading for an instant and them nothing remaining on the same screen, no matter how many times you click the button.

i have tried the feature "by invitation only" and it looks really good. however where i am right now with join issue, even when you have this enabled and invite a friend, the join function when the button is clicked still fails to load the next form.

i really like the software, it's a learning curve for me to get to understand the features and functionality.

The method i suggested to add extra members was just a work around, it not the preferred way and yes it could lead to some problem with that profile. It is still better solution for me than reloading the website from scratch to fix the join function which is a nuisance and does not affect the functionality of the website in any other way.

Your welcome to try joining on my website to see it does not work.





cpanel screen shot ma121217.jpg · 134.8K · 278 views
Quote · 11 Dec 2017

Michael, I have to rush off, but firstly I apologise for one comment.  Your files can be in public_html. I use a folder, thus the reason for my comment.

Secondly, I don't like the look of your screenshot. I don't have a file called login.php in my Dolphin setup, and it doesn't appear in the downloaded 7.3.3 Zip. I have several installations and it doesn't appear in any.

Finally, your screenshot is missing one file. As it's only part of your root directory, it's possible other files are also missing. I picked up lang_detector.php as missing and you also have logoutphp.txt there.

Here's a 2 part screenshot of the standard Dolphin root as supplied by Boonex. I think you need to check and identify what files are missing.

Clipboard01.jpg · 123.9K · 241 views
Clipboard02.jpg · 116.7K · 226 views
Quote · 11 Dec 2017

Thanks John

i will look at this and get back to you

best wishes


Quote · 12 Dec 2017

Hi john


there is a few files missing like .htaccess when comparing my dir list with your. i will look closer later tonight when i have time.


thank you


trsg public html 1.jpg · 172.5K · 237 views
trsg public html 2.jpg · 167.8K · 238 views
trsg public html 3.jpg · 169.1K · 222 views
trsg public html 4.jpg · 171.6K · 234 views
Quote · 12 Dec 2017

.htaccess is essential. I'm surprised anything works without it. It could be there, but hidden. Sometimes File Managers don't show it for some reason.

I strongly suggest you download the latest version of Dolphin (7.3.4) to your home computer and FTP all missing files, .htaccess included.

Quote · 12 Dec 2017

HI John


When i used bitwise i could see the .htaccess file. i have attached it and would appreciate if you mind comparing. one thing i noticed was the date of the php files in the public_html directory dated Nov 2 2016. this is a bit strange as the first time i loaded ver 7.3.3 was in July 2017 with the upgrade to ver 7.3.4 on Nov 5. why would the system used by the company hosting the site show a file date older that the day they were created.


It's s a bit strange but with the exception of the join function not working i can not see any other problem with it.







.htaccess · 7.2K · 212 downloads
Quote · 13 Dec 2017

Michael, I've sent you a PM because nothing we're doing here will help future users.  Can you read the PM and respond there? Regards


Quote · 13 Dec 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.