Hello, i want something, who can help me?
I have an idea, but i want it concrete.
I want 2 sorts of people on my website. (buyers & sellers)
With the modzzz system i'm very happy, but i want also that every 'buyer' can buy offline products in the shop.
Now only digital products are to sell. ( :-( )
When i see someone make advertising (e.g. a new group called a businessname)
I must by to able to redirect the user to a page with my own text (yes, every peoplle that singn in, is a buyer first)
when they see the pop-up they read that they violate the purpose of http://www.busimatch.com
Then when they must put a product in the store. automaticly i receive in my dolphin a link to the product.
The 'buyer must fill in the following things:
-Name of the company
-full adress
-Name of the product
-Shippning cost (paid worldwide-yes = price / paid no=free delivery worldwide)
-picture of the product
-VIdeo of the product
-sounds of the product
-price (selled to the end customer) automaticly the price goes x100 (so a trip cost 500$, then the trip an by buyed for 50000 points
When i see as admin, that everything is ok.. then i can check.. ok to sell.
And then the buyer become a seller, and the seller can do what he want on the site, advertising, make groups...
If not, the account still blocked...
When someone other buy the product in the store, then the seller receive a mail with all the adress to send the product to the buyer.
Also a mail send to the admin(s) that er is a winner for this product for this price....
When the product is sended by the seller the buyer receive a link, where is written, when the product is at the home of the buyer, he must
push a button, product received... then... i as admin can ask the seller to put another product in the store.
It's a cheap thing for the seller to make advertising because he buy in low price (and the seller sell on the customer price)
so i want more and more cool prices on http://www.busimatch.com
Money is not the problem, and i want something very stable.
Working with Modzzz products.
If you want change tings on the modzzz scripts, ask modzzz...
You recive from my full acces to site, i only want 1 good person that can do this in 1 month time.
I want the full ownership of the module, so when it cost to much (i have no idea of the price)
I can re-sell it.