hello just wanted to share my experience paying for advertisement on facebook.
first of all I love it, its not money wasted at all, i started by spending no more than $1 per day.
what i like is that you get the option as to who sees your ads, what age, what sex, what country, state and so on (targeted marketing).
im paying .30cents per 1000 impressions. This works best when your add draws attention to the viewer, make it so that they notice your AD right away and are drawn to click on it and landing them on your website.
I have been playing with how much im spending per day, I would do a week of $2 per day a week of $3 per day and so on...
What i noticed was that per every $1 that I invested in advertisement, i would make about $1.25 on google adsence...
my test were done spending from $1 to $5
the best part is that its bringing me new members/traffic... if you have a good site new traffic will keep coming back....
BTW this is how its working for me, we know that every site setup is different, just wanted to share this with u.
one more thing... Analytics is a great way to keep track of where traffic is coming from :)