Hi - one question - I work with a band and want to upload some of their live performance mp3s to my profile. However I get a file size limit warning of 2 meg. Is there a way in the admin to change this limit?
Hi - one question - I work with a band and want to upload some of their live performance mp3s to my profile. However I get a file size limit warning of 2 meg. Is there a way in the admin to change this limit?
Thanks, Elaine |
use notepad to Make a file called php.ini which will contain the following code:
upload_max_filesize = 50m
you can change the 50m to any size you want in megabytes... Save the file and upload to your webspace. |
I don't think you want to be overwriting your php.ini file, but you can edit it. Your php.ini file is critical to operating your php and you should not mess with it unless you know what you are doing. I am having the same problem. Just haven't gotten to it yet. Since exlombardo has asked the question, I will try to offer two solutions that should have worked for me, but haven't. ini_set("upload_max_filesize","20M"); added near the top of the file: inc/header.inc.php or, better.... Then, tried changing the php.ini file. ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. Neither of these has changed the resulting little black dialog box. It still says "Alert File Size Should not exceed 2MB" when I click to upload a video. If anyone has a suggestion, please let us have it. Arthur |
that solution worked for me I did not overwrite any php.ini file as I just added it to my dolphin installation Also you can try adding upload_max_filesize = 50m To you .htaccess file as that also has the same effect. In any case if your hosting provider has limited your file upload size it may be impossible to override unless you can get them to alter it for you. |
You can also try changing your individual Ray widget settings in admin - plugins - ray suite |
You can usually increase the values depending on your host setup. Ocassionally some hosts you just wont be able to change these, but many you can. DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Before reading the rest, please note that this problem was solved by changing the settings at the Ray Suite control panel for Video from 20 to 100. Apparently, one needs to do both. Set the upload_max_filesize, etc PLUS set the Ray configuration. The Ray configurations must set a top cap. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you, Gameutopia. That worked for me. Very helpful info. I am now able to upload videos and play 'em back. One more problem solved. However, I later tried to edit these settings from 20M to 100M, and the change had no effect. Not sure why this is. I tried logoff and logon to see if it was a setting that stuck with my logon. It made no difference. I have now tried the upgrade from 20M to 100M on two servers. Neither works. This makes me believe that the settings of 20M from yesterday (that did not work yesterday) took effect at some later point. Is there a lag, of buffer issue with these settings? I am asking this because there are no longer any setting on my system for 20M, and it is complaining about a 20M limit when I try to upload. Is there some way to flush this or restart php? The 20M seems to be in some cache. I read your article and want to thank you also for authoring it, and sharing it with us. I suggest that others also read it. I noticed that you did not include the output buffering in you reply. Any reason. php_value output_buffering on Finally, in my initial reply to this thread, I thought that lancashiredates was advocating a change that would overwrite the /etc/php.ini file.
Hey bizwiz DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Hi gamesutopia. Dummy me.....I totally forgot to restart Apache after making the changes to the /etc/php.ini file. Appreciate your thorough response. You are correct. I have complete shell access. I am still learning my way around Dolphin/Ray/Orca. I value the help I am getting from people like you. The most important thing for me, is that I have now been able to upload the profiles from my BizWiz.com service to BizWiz Networking, and Talent-Direct.com registrants to the CLICKIT.com People service. This should be very encouraging to all others who are adding Dolphin to existing services. Thanks again. Arthur |
Glad you got it sorted out. A dedicated box is always more work than shared, but you always have more access and things you can do that the standard hosting envioronment wont allow. It's fun and a learning process for all. I'm always here to help with what I can. For others I am moving the php.ini / .htaccess guide to this address: http://www.dialme.com/articles/entry/-htaccess-php-ini-Help-Guide Which is now a full dolphin site in the process of major upgrading. Or check out the my homepage if you get a chance: gametuopia DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |