multi page creator????

Hi all,


has anybody used this module?


if so, what did you think? I am curious as it is very expensive for what it appears to be.


Would I be able to set it so that my users would have a block for Dance with fields for experience, style etc?

How versatile is this module?


Any help would be appreciated,



Quote · 12 Dec 2011

I guess its not so popular then... maybe this is a sign......

Quote · 13 Dec 2011

Since most sites here created are for dating and chatting, not much use for this mod.

But me thinks it can work once you get popular.

Quote · 13 Dec 2011

I dont have it, but have come near to buying it a few times!


I would think you could use it either to allow users to create pages which open up some additional functionality, unless you are already allowing users to create groups...


Or you can use it as admin to create as many pages as you want etc...


I already upgraded the functionality of my groups quite extensively so found that I didnt need to get this mod as well, although it does have some features that I would like on my groups, but then I would lose some that I already have that this doesnt!  

Scriptologist is a good developer so no worries there. 

Idealy, I would like a cross over of this and Modzzz Premium Groups to suit my needs! 

The wall from the 'pages' mod, and the 'news, events, sponsors' from Groups mod...


thats like though until I pay out for a custom build!

Quote · 13 Dec 2011

just like all other modifications the so called developers of this place make and sell its just over priced rubbish

try and make some of these modules yourself

sure as shit not worth 50 to 100 bucks for two pissy lines of code

which may i add may well be stolen from the codeworks of other scripts in most cases

just a bunch of people not quilified nor with the brain capacity to make it in any marke\t but one that focuses entirely on ripping people off such as boonex

Image3.jpeg · 3.4K · 190 views
Im surprised too not a single bad word
Quote · 13 Dec 2011

Wow, so much anger!

Quote · 13 Dec 2011
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.