I was missing a view count in the sites module on the index page. So after a whole evening of looking in the code, i finally figured it out.
open unit.html
found at modules/boonex/sites/templates/base/unit.html
<span>__view_count__ views</span>
just below
<div class="bx_sites_unit_row bx_sites_unit_description">
<a href="__url__" class="link_site" target="_blank">__url_title__</a> — __description__
so it will look like this
<div class="bx_sites_unit_row bx_sites_unit_description">
<a href="__url__" class="link_site" target="_blank">__url_title__</a> — __description__
<span>__view_count__ views</span>
step #2
Open BxSitesSearchResult.php
found at modules/boonex/sites/classes/
find in the code :
'ownFields' => array('id', 'url', 'title', 'entryUri', 'description', 'photo', 'commentsCount',
'date', 'ownerid', 'categories', 'tags', 'rate'),
add 'views'
'ownFields' => array('id', 'url', 'title', 'entryUri', 'description', 'photo', 'commentsCount',
'date', 'ownerid', 'categories', 'views', 'tags', 'rate'),
step #3
open BxSitesTemplate.php
found at modules/boonex/sites/classes/
$aResult = array(
'id' => $aData['id'],
'url' => $sUrl,
'url_title' => $this->_getDomain($sUrl),
'title' => $aData['title'],
'site_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aData['entryUri'],
'description' => strip_tags($aData['description']),
'image' => $sImage ? $sImage : $this->getIconUrl('no-photo.png'),
'comments' => $aData['commentsCount'] . ' ' . _t('_bx_sites_unit_comments'),
'date' => strtolower(defineTimeInterval($aData['date'])),
'owner_str' => _t('_bx_sites_unit_from') . ' ',
'spacer' => getTemplateIcon('spacer.gif'),
'cats_str' => _t('_Categories') . ':',
'cats' => $this->parseCategories($aData['categories']),
'tags_str' => _t('_Tags') . ':',
'tags' => $this->parseTags($aData['tags']),
add 'view_count' => $aData['views']
$aResult = array(
'id' => $aData['id'],
'url' => $sUrl,
'url_title' => $this->_getDomain($sUrl),
'title' => $aData['title'],
'site_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aData['entryUri'],
'description' => strip_tags($aData['description']),
'image' => $sImage ? $sImage : $this->getIconUrl('no-photo.png'),
'comments' => $aData['commentsCount'] . ' ' . _t('_bx_sites_unit_comments'),
'date' => strtolower(defineTimeInterval($aData['date'])),
'owner_str' => _t('_bx_sites_unit_from') . ' ',
'spacer' => getTemplateIcon('spacer.gif'),
'cats_str' => _t('_Categories') . ':',
'cats' => $this->parseCategories($aData['categories']),
'tags_str' => _t('_Tags') . ':',
'tags' => $this->parseTags($aData['tags']),
'view_count' => $aData['views']
code is as is. have fun!