Look at line 391 & 691, your missing something in the line.
If you can't find it, then please post those actual code sections (The whole thing, not just the one line) and we'll be happy to take a look at it for you.
Look at line 391 & 691, your missing something in the line.
If you can't find it, then please post those actual code sections (The whole thing, not just the one line) and we'll be happy to take a look at it for you. | ||
OMG... ROFLMAO... I should have know this was going to be the response I got... LOL...
Okay, I have no clue what line is 391 in that code unless I sit there and figure out which lines are word wrapped and which are not, then start counting off and ignoring the lines that have wrapped. Do this:
Go to http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm and please download Notepad++ before we go any further her with this. Next, make it the default editor in your FTP program so it's easier to do the rest of this. Notepad++ will show you exactly where line 391 is and help you find the errors very easily.
Once you have done that, use it to open your files and then give me the section of the file that starts with that line #. A section of code might look like this:
Please note the opening and closing brackets, that's all I'm looking for, not the whole file. Please understand this could be a couple of lines or a couple of hundred lines of code to create one function, but that is how we will find the error.
**Give us a break on scrolling and please delete your code posts you have up right now, they're not really useful as they don't tell us where your problem is unless we read hundred of lines of code and we really don't want to do that. | ||
// replace template variables
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // reading templates Your 391 is at 187 for me on my test site which is a stripped dolphin install of 6.1.4 Here is what I have:
// replace template variables $templ = str_replace ( "__title__", $f($title), $templ ); $templ = str_replace ( "__caption_item__", $caption_item, $templ ); $templ = str_replace ( "__designbox_content__", $content, $templ ); $templ = str_replace ( "__images__", $site['images'], $templ ); if ( function_exists( 'colors_select' ) ) $templ = str_replace ( "__designBoxColor__", colors_select(), $templ ); if ($tmpl == 'act') { if ($index_db_color_randomize == 1) { $templ = str_replace ( "__db_color__", get_active_color(), $templ ); } else { $templ = str_replace ( "__db_color__", $index_db_color, $templ ); }
and our 691 is at 511 for me:
// reading templates $sTemplFile = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/page_{$_page['name_index']}.html"; if ( !file_exists($sTemplFile) ) $sTemplFile = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/default.html";
$templ = file_get_contents( $sTemplFile );
// process includes (3-level) for( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i ++ ) { $templ = preg_replace_callback( '/__include (.*)__/', 'TmplInclude', $templ ); $templ = preg_replace_callback( '/__includebase (.*)__/', 'TmplIncludeBase', $templ ); }
header( 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' ); $echo( $templ ); }
So my question is what modifications have you made to the inc/design.inc.php file? You have an extra 215 lines in it over the factory install.
| ||
salut daniel, les headers already sent sont souvent dû a une ligne blanche après la fermeture de la balise php. Après l'édition de fichier, il arrive fréquemment d'avoir une erreur du style :