
support for module mega news info by

passionate BoonEx Dolphin
Quote · 26 Jun 2013

Big menu won't show up. Stock, currency, style tabs are blank pages in Dolphin admin. Can't find flash news any where. Please give clearer instruction instead of pictures without explanation.


News.JPG · 55.7K · 390 views
Quote · 26 Jun 2013

is this a module that my site members can use to post their news stories? or is it just feed from the web (loads stories from other news sites)?

Quote · 27 Jun 2013

Hello, I send you the update in skype

Big menu won't show up. Stock, currency, style tabs are blank pages in Dolphin admin. Can't find flash news any where. Please give clearer instruction instead of pictures without explanation.



passionate BoonEx Dolphin
Quote · 28 Jun 2013


the module does not display news from other sites;

members and the administrator can create news

est-ce un module qui les membres de mon site peuvent utiliser pour publier leurs reportages? ou c'est juste nourrir à partir du Web (charges histoires provenant d'autres sites d'information)?


passionate BoonEx Dolphin
Quote · 28 Jun 2013

Whew nice module! Looks very professional and works like a charm!

I would recommend this mod to all…

Great support and fast service… Thank you Smile

Quote · 4 Jul 2013


I have the mod installed but when I create a story and would like to show this is a 500 error. 

What can I do?


Best regards


Quote · 8 Nov 2013



I have the mod installed but when I create a story and would like to show this is a 500 error. 

What can I do?


Best regards



problem solved

PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in BxNewsinfosPageView.php on line 44
PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in BxNewsinfosPageView.php on line 553

Quote · 10 Nov 2013

where do you find this module
Quote · 9 Apr 2014


I have the same problem :

Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /home/ondyd9gs/public_html/businessbox/modules/doldesign/newsinfos/classes/BxNewsinfosPageView.php on line 44

Thanks for your help :)

Quote · 19 Apr 2014


Ou est la ligne 80 pour finaliser l'installation du module newsinfos ?

Quote · 5 May 2014


Whew nice module! Looks very professional and works like a charm!

I would recommend this mod to all…


Great support and fast service… Thank you Smile

i love the look of the module too. i just have one concern please:

Please does it categories the news in such a way that on the main news pages, you only see other news from the same category? This feature would really make it a must buy for my website which is a news portal.

I PM the developer, but i haven't seen any reply for months...

Quote · 20 Jun 2014


support for module mega news info by

Please i am interested in purchasing this module from the market (Mega Info News)

I want to know if the main news pages would display only "other news" from the same category?

i want the news to filter in categories when a visitor comes in...

for example if my community has 3 different news categories:


I want when ever a visitor is reading a news in the HEALTH category... only news from the same category should appear on the news page.

Is this how the module works, please!


Quote · 21 Jun 2014

Hi there;

Anyone knows how to create new categories in Mega News Infos?



Quote · 25 Jun 2014

My mega news info is not working, when I try to add a new article I get the following error:


According to the error, it looks like the error says (add title to newsinfo article) however, I have done it. 

Any ideas what it could be?, any one had this error?

And it says "Page was not found"

Quote · 7 Jul 2014


The block "do you have a story to share doesn´t work". Help please.

When I submit an article, it says page not found, 

Quote · 7 Jul 2014

Anyone answer this forum?, what is this for so?

Quote · 10 Jul 2014

I bought your module and it does not appear in the shopping history, herefore, impossible to download.

This does not smell good.

You can release the link, please.

Thank you

Quote · 14 Dec 2014

I want to buy this mod but haven't got in contact with anyone since april. Does anyone know how I would receive this mod if I purchase it. Is it a download?

Quote · 8 Jun 2015
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