Ok, what is the trick for making BxxxxPageMain to work?
I tried to create a module and I end up with a box inside a box...
in my module.php I have
function actionHome () {
$this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied ();
bx_import ('PageMain', $this->_aModule);
$sClass = $this->_aModule['class_prefix'] . 'PageMain';
$oPage = new $sClass ($this);
echo $oPage->getCode();
$this->_oTemplate->addCss ('main.css');
$this->_oTemplate->addCss ('unit.css');
$this->_oTemplate->addCss ('HTML5Games_select.css');
$this->_oTemplate->pageCode(_t('_ss_HTML5Games_page_title_home'), false, false);
in my PageMain.php I have
function getBlockCode_ShowGames(){
return MsgBox(_t('_ss_HTML5Games_no_games'));
Why do I get Games Block inside the HTML5 Games block?
The HTML5 Games block shouldn't even show up.
It's driving me nuts!