I have a 7.0.4 Website with more than 8000 members, 4500 events, 24000 photos
I tested with http://gtmetrix.com/ and other services (FF speedpage ...) and I got good results about optimization.
I have File and APC cache activated and get between 80% and 90% on speedpage depending on webpages.
You can check here : http://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.placeapart.com/yq6H6WE7
But even if I got very good load time around 3-4 s...sometimes the load time is going very high and website got unreachable for a certain time (more than 10mn). It's a test version not the live one yet so tests are made with 2 or 4 people online that's all.
I can't reproduce this and can't find from which part of the code it could come. Also, no error in apache logs and still checking mysql logs.
Any suggestions ?
Thanks for you help