index.php addon module member

hello to everyone, I wanted to add the heading "On-line chatting" to MEMBERS module on homepage, I added the following items in bold, but I get an error in mod ... Some may give a look?

file: templates/base/scripts/BxBaseIndex.php

------from the line: 366 onwards ----------

// Get Sex from GET data
if ( $_GET['Sex'] && $_GET['Sex'] != "all" ) {
$sex = process_db_input( $_GET['Sex'] );
$query_add = " AND `Sex` = '$sex'";
} else {
$sex = "all";
$query_add = "";

$query_add .= ' AND (`Couple`=0 OR `Couple`>`ID`)';

$query = "
`Profiles`. `Raychatcurrentuser`.*

if ( $_GET['members_mode'] == 'online' or
$_GET['members_mode'] == 'rand' or
$_GET['members_mode'] == 'last' or
$_GET['members_mode'] == 'chat' or
$_GET['members_mode'] == 'top' )
$mode = $_GET['members_mode'];
$mode = 'last';

$aDBTopMenu = array();
//$menu = '<div class="dbTopMenu">';
foreach( array( 'last', 'top', 'online', 'rand', 'chat' ) as $myMode )
switch ( $myMode )
case 'online':
if( $mode == $myMode )
$filter = " FROM `Profiles` WHERE `DateLastNav` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL ".(int)getParam( "member_online_time" )." MINUTE) AND `Status` = 'Active' $query_add ORDER BY `Couple` ASC";
$modeTitle = _t('_Online');
case 'rand':
if( $mode == $myMode )
$filter = " FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' $query_add ORDER BY `Couple` ASC, RAND()";
$modeTitle = _t('_Random');
case 'chat':
if( $mode == $myMode )
$filter = " FROM `Raychatcurrentusers` WHERE `Online` = 'online'" ;
$modeTitle = _t('_chat');

case 'last':
if( $mode == $myMode )
$filter = " FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' $query_add ORDER BY `Couple` ASC, `DateReg` DESC";
$modeTitle = _t('_Latest');
case 'top':
if( $mode == $myMode )
$oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('profile', 0, 0);

$aSql = $oVotingView->getSqlParts('`Profiles`', '`ID`');
$sqlOrderBy = $oVotingView->isEnabled() ? " ORDER BY `Couple` ASC, (`pr_rating_sum`/`pr_rating_count`) DESC, `pr_rating_count` DESC, `DateReg` DESC" : $sqlOrderBy ;
$sqlFields = $aSql['fields'];
$sqlLJoin = $aSql['join'];
$filter = "$sqlFields FROM `Profiles` $sqlLJoin WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND `pr_rating_count` > 2 $query_add $sqlOrderBy";
$filter2 = " FROM `Profiles` $sqlLJoin WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND `pr_rating_count` > 2 $query_add $sqlOrderBy";
$modeTitle = _t('_Top');



the voice comes up, but when we click above, instead of leaving users me this:

Warning: mail () [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set () in D: \ xampp \ htdocs \ dol \ inc \ on line 422


another thing I noticed is that the values of tables db RayChatRoomsUsers
always remain empty ...

Quote · 2 Aug 2008

Check your PHP.INI for proper porting of MAIL SERVER


Warning: mail () [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set () in D: \ xampp \ htdocs \ dol \ inc \ on line 422

Quote · 2 Aug 2008

I have this error only when I add the codes above in red ... (they do not recall the function Smtp ... I think that the error is due to no correct of them...)

The code should only call some table from the database without using SMTP ... but for some reason happens ...
Quote · 3 Aug 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.