I'm editing a page I made in boonex in a custom module. The page is composed of columns, each of which has a "pageBlock" as per Boonex definition, so each pageBlock is declared in the db.
Now, my central column contains a number of DIVs created by my PHP code. One of those DIV lists the available images and it's called "availableImagesDiv". The DIV is not a pageBlock, it's just a normal div inside the page, created by code.
I would like to use getHtmlData to have that DIV reload it's content when clicking on a link.
I have in my code a function called: getBlockCode_ListImages($iBlockID); which generates the content of it.
and in the page I have a link with an URL like this:
<a href='null' onclick="getHtmlData( 'availableImagesDiv', 'http://<myserver>/boonex/home?action=viewObject&oID=281&dynamic=tab&pageBlock=ListImages', false, 'post');return false;">test</a>";
But it doesn't work.
The only way I managed to have it working is to add one entry in sys_page_compose table with Func='ListImages' and ID 318, then use the following URL instead:
<a href='null' onclick="getHtmlData( 'availableImagesDiv', 'http://<myserver>/boonex/home?action=viewObject&oID=281&dynamic=tab&pageBlock=318', false, 'post');return false;">test</a>";
This works but is not what I want as this forces BxDolPageView to generate a new block in my page while I have it generated by my code.
In summary is there a way to use getHtmlData to call a function you want and substitute the content of a div in the page?