
I thought I once saw a step by step guide on installing the ffmpeg in the newest version of Dolphin but I can't find it

anyone can link?

I have installed the one I had but all I get is failed up load. I have attached a few screen shots of my audit page only thing I don't have atm is an accelerator but I took it down to see if that was my issue.


Thanks guys....

screenshot1.png · 61.8K · 217 views
screenshot2.png · 69.3K · 241 views
screenshot3.png · 69.8K · 198 views
Quote · 6 May 2017

Oh yeah I can take a snapshot photo with my webcam and  it will upload no problem but I can not upload anything else it comes back failed to upload file. I can connect to RMS to record a video comment but it gets stuck in processing after I hit stop recording.

Quote · 6 May 2017

The version of FFmpeg included with Dolphin is compiled for Linux. If you're on a Linux server, you don't need a different file. Windows Server users can download a copy for Windows here: https://www.boonex.com/downloads 


Make sure the file has executable permissions (755 or 777) and a cron job is setup for Dolphin and running. You should add an email to receive cron job reports, and check it for any failures.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 6 May 2017

I have the right version of ffmpeg. It never gets to have to run a cron job because it never uploads. The upload fails. I can snap a picture with my webcam and it processes just fine. I can not use any of the uploaders.

Quote · 6 May 2017


I have the right version of ffmpeg. It never gets to have to run a cron job because it never uploads. The upload fails. I can snap a picture with my webcam and it processes just fine. I can not use any of the uploaders.

Then why did you title it ffmpeg and talk about the version of ffmpeg when your problem is that your uploads are failing?  ffmpeg has nothing to do with the upload part; it processes AFTER the upload happens.


The issue may be in your server setup.  You are hosting on a windows server; so yes, you will need the windows version of ffmpeg that Nathan provided the link to.  Dolphin Jay knows Dolphin on Windows so I suggest you contact him.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 7 May 2017

Ok so I got the uploading and processing figured out. Now when I click on a video or music file to preview it  or listen I get these errors.



[07-May-2017 02:31:24 America/New_York] PHP Warning:  SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\inc\classes\BxDolSocialSharing.php on line 110


[07-May-2017 02:31:24 America/New_York] PHP Warning:  SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Not Found <br /><a href="http://www.facebook.com/">Back to Facebook.</a> in C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\inc\classes\BxDolSocialSharing.php on line 110


[07-May-2017 02:31:24 America/New_York] PHP Warning:  SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): ^ in C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\inc\classes\BxDolSocialSharing.php on line 110


[07-May-2017 02:31:24 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\inc\classes\BxDolSocialSharing.php:110

Stack trace:

#0 C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\inc\classes\BxDolSocialSharing.php(110): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('Not Found <br /...')

#1 C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\inc\classes\BxDolSocialSharing.php(91): BxDolSocialSharing->_getLocalesFacebook()

#2 C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\templates\base\scripts\BxBaseSocialSharing.php(34): BxDolSocialSharing->_getLocaleFacebook('en_GB')

#3 C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\modules\boonex\videos\classes\BxVideosPageView.php(195): BxBaseSocialSharing->getCode('http://socialxu...', 'preview', Array)

#4 C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\inc\classes\BxDolPageView.php(399): BxVideosPageView->getBlockCode_SocialSharing(377, '')

#5 C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\in in C:\zpanel\hostdata\socialx\public_html\socialxusa_com\inc\classes\BxDolSocialSharing.php on line 110



Any thoughts?

Quote · 7 May 2017


BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 7 May 2017

An updated post by AlexT


Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 7 May 2017

Thank you so much you beautiful people. Now if I can get my SSL done I'll be set.. Wink

Quote · 7 May 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.