facebook connect error.

after getting a new  api key for facebook connect and trying to test it i have got the following error.

anyone know what does it mean ?? and if its dangerous ?? any solutions ??

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'Incorrect signature' in /home/*****/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php:1915 Stack trace: #0 /home/*****/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php(194): FacebookRestClient->call_method('facebook.auth.g...', Array) #1 /home/*****/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php(179): FacebookRestClient->auth_getSession('9469fdafb54b669...', '7ddf6293e43cfc3...') #2 /home/*****/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php(145): Facebook->do_get_session('9469fdafb54b669...') #3 /home/******/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php(70): Facebook->validate_fb_params() #4 /home/*******/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectModule.php(74): Facebook->__construct('6dff2ef16942c29...', 'c7df6fc71962a95...', '7ddf6293e43cfc3...') #5 /home/*******/public_html/v7/inc/classes in /home/*******/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php on line 1915



Regards........ M.Chauhan U.K.
Quote · 19 Dec 2009

Make sure you have followed these directions when setting up your Facebook Connect:

Using Facebook connect is quite simple.

Apply for Facebook account.

Then visit this link http://www.facebook.com/developers/.

Click setup application.

Once you login you should see your API key and secret key on the basic page. Edit your description, logo and icon and leave everything else as is.

Visit the connect tab. Your connect url is the sites main url (example: http://www.mysite.com). Also add your base url. Its the same as your main but without http://www. I selected request friend linking and added a description.

Leaving everything else the same, save and retry.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 19 Dec 2009


Make sure you have followed these directions when setting up your Facebook Connect:


Using Facebook connect is quite simple.

Apply for Facebook account.

Then visit this link http://www.facebook.com/developers/.

Click setup application.

Once you login you should see your API key and secret key on the basic page. Edit your description, logo and icon and leave everything else as is.

Visit the connect tab. Your connect url is the sites main url (example: http://www.mysite.com). Also add your base url. Its the same as your main but without http://www. I selected request friend linking and added a description.

Leaving everything else the same, save and retry.




 ya ... i did everything right... i managed to set it up in rc1... but in rc3 i tried setting it up again... no luck so far...





Regards........ M.Chauhan U.K.
Quote · 19 Dec 2009

mchauhan, You stated that you had this working in RC1 and that you have tried re-setting the whole API up again with a different key? Why are you not using the one that you previously had that was working? Im wondering if it is something to do with more than one application setup at facebook. Not sure, but I have been using the same one since the release of D7 beta 1.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 21 Dec 2009

I have 3 facebook apps, so that is not likley the problem.

This has been known to occur in facebook apps when the api secret is not right.

Verify both the api key and api secret are correctly entered and match what shows on your facebook apps developer page.

Quote · 21 Dec 2009

I didnt think so either, so thanks for the validation. I know sometimes when you do a copy/paste, its possible to grab whitespace when you do it. So I would double check that as well. Just re-enter the keys making sure no whitespace exists.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 21 Dec 2009

Make sure you have followed these directions when setting up your Facebook Connect:

Using Facebook connect is quite simple.

Apply for Facebook account.

Then visit this link http://www.facebook.com/developers/.

Click setup application.

Once you login you should see your API key and secret key on the basic page. Edit your description, logo and icon and leave everything else as is.

Visit the connect tab. Your connect url is the sites main url (example: http://www.mysite.com). Also add your base url. Its the same as your main but without http://www. I selected request friend linking and added a description.

Leaving everything else the same, save and retry.



When I want to create this application on facebook, I followed all your instructions.
When I enter the address of my website that is refused, with this information

Validation failed.

URL de signet must be relative to your Canvas URL, Connect URL or Base Domain.

URL to bookmark: http://www.mysite.com

and if I leave this information blank when I use facebook connect from my site, I am redirected on facebook with this error message

Configuration errors:

To fix this error, please set your Canvas Callback URL in the éditeur des paramètres d’applications. Once it has been set, users will be redirected to that URL instead of this page after logging in.

if you can help me



Quote · 22 Dec 2009

after getting a new  api key for facebook connect and trying to test it i have got the following error.

anyone know what does it mean ?? and if its dangerous ?? any solutions ??

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'Incorrect signature' in /home/*****/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php:1915 Stack trace: #0 /home/*****/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php(194): FacebookRestClient->call_method('facebook.auth.g...', Array) #1 /home/*****/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php(179): FacebookRestClient->auth_getSession('9469fdafb54b669...', '7ddf6293e43cfc3...') #2 /home/*****/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php(145): Facebook->do_get_session('9469fdafb54b669...') #3 /home/******/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php(70): Facebook->validate_fb_params() #4 /home/*******/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectModule.php(74): Facebook->__construct('6dff2ef16942c29...', 'c7df6fc71962a95...', '7ddf6293e43cfc3...') #5 /home/*******/public_html/v7/inc/classes in /home/*******/public_html/v7/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php on line 1915



Hello, just clear all you sites cookies files, and try again !
I promise all will work properly

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 22 Dec 2009

I am still stuck.
This does not work.
Can you tell me if I put in that field (on facebook) a url and if so, that my site with www (http://www.mysite.com example) or if I should leave blank ?

if I put any URL, it is rejected by facebook. But if I put anything, so impossible to run the script

Quote · 22 Dec 2009

Here is a series of pictures to show how the facebook end is to be setup.

I know the images are cut off at the right. Some of them are larger. To see the full size image, right click and and select view image.

EDIT: Well i did something stupid. When i first put these images up, i forgot to block out my api keys. LOL. Guess maybe i should change them.

Quote · 22 Dec 2009

Thank you!

I followed your description and it works finally, thank you greatly.

By cons, e-mail profile is not validated and I did not receive any e-mail confirmation e-mail.
I am obliged to validate manually from the admin section, this profile.

In the E-Mail profile, there is this written:

apps+217624278954.1000005..... .........4597@proxymail.facebook.com (I cut a piece for example)

The question, how he found the e-mail address to send the confirmation mail?


ps: I think your explanation will be helpful to others, thank you again

Quote · 22 Dec 2009

Also, now I have a profile that appears in "unconfirmed" party on my administration.

But if I click on the link to view the list is empty.

In my database, I noticed immediately that: "
Salt" (Table: Profiles) it is empty while all the other profiles have information of this style "MmQ1MzUx"

Quote · 22 Dec 2009

Facebook connect cannot actually get the email address used in facebook. So that proxy is used instead and i am not sure how that works.

As for the password issue, i am not sure. I know a random password is chosen when facebook connect creates the profile. So members need to set a new password themselves if the want to logon using basic auth.

Members would not be able to login to the account using the basic auth method until they set a password. Problem is the facebook connect module included with dolphin does not prompt the user for a proper password and email address to use with their new account, which i believe it should.

So i cannot resolve you current issues. Its just how the facebook connect module works. I don't require my members to validate their emails, so it does not pose a problem for me as they can just use facebook connect to get back on.

Quote · 22 Dec 2009

and finally the last problem I have is this one:
if a member signs up with facebook, it puts all my other members unconfirmed. I am obliged to confirm them all again.
So I temporarily deleted the confirmation e-mails, but I think it's a script error.

and there is also the problem of multiple entries (explained here: http://www.expertzzz.com/Downloadz/view/6922)
so I installed this mod, but now I have a database error when I want to test the connection with facebook profile already registered but then changed

Quote · 22 Dec 2009

and finally the last problem I have is this one:
if a member signs up with facebook, it puts all my other members unconfirmed. I am obliged to confirm them all again.
So I temporarily deleted the confirmation e-mails, but I think it's a script error.

and there is also the problem of multiple entries (explained here: http://www.expertzzz.com/Downloadz/view/6922)
so I installed this mod, but now I have a database error when I want to test the connection with facebook profile already registered but then changed

Yes, thats my mod.

Did you following the instructions? You must make sure the boonex facebook connect module is uninstalled. You can't use both together.

So, uninstall them both. Make sure both are showing up as not installed. Then install just mine. You will need to put your facebook connect api keys back in after.

I have a feeling you did not remove the boonex version first.

Quote · 22 Dec 2009


mchauhan, You stated that you had this working in RC1 and that you have tried re-setting the whole API up again with a different key? Why are you not using the one that you previously had that was working? Im wondering if it is something to do with more than one application setup at facebook. Not sure, but I have been using the same one since the release of D7 beta 1.




 no i just tried setting up another test site in a sub directory. and it did not work on that. its fine now. dont know what i did but i have made it to work.


thanks for ur suggestions guys.





Regards........ M.Chauhan U.K.
Quote · 23 Dec 2009

Followed Zarcons instructions and all was well.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 7 May 2010

Great, this works excellent! Thanks for the extra support Deano!

The Earth is the LORD's and the fullness therof, the world and they that dwell therin... Psalm 24:1
Quote · 8 Jul 2010

I just did a new setup with the facebook application and all seem to work until I'm at facebook and click on allow, then its going forever between the facebook URL and my domain URL

Does anyone know what I do wrong?

I checked this one, but I do not know where to get the php Library and under boonex modules facebook_connect I did not find anything similar:

Step 1: Download Facebook's PHP Library

Extract this archive into a directory on your hosting server where you can host and run PHP code:

$ curl -L http://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/tarball/master | tar xvz
$ mv facebook-php-sdk-* facebook-php-sdk
$ cp facebook-php-sdk/examples/example.php index.php

Step 2: Replace the IDs in index.php to have your own app information

It should look like this when you've finished:

// Awesome Facebook Application
// Name: Filipina Dating


// Create our Application instance.
= new Facebook(array(
'appId'  => '117950054918432',
'secret' => '166273f0a34b2ed4248de63ea52770eb',
'cookie' => true,

Step 3: Test Your Application

You've almost finished!

We just need to know two more things. Edit Settings for your application and enter:

  • The Canvas Callback URL — where your app is hosted.
  • The Canvas Page URL — the apps.facebook.com/yourapp URL for your application.

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
Quote · 9 Jul 2010

I just did a new setup with the facebook application and all seem to work until I'm at facebook and click on allow, then its going forever between the facebook URL and my domain URL

Does anyone know what I do wrong?

I checked this one, but I do not know where to get the php Library and under boonex modules facebook_connect I did not find anything similar:

Step 1: Download Facebook's PHP Library

Extract this archive into a directory on your hosting server where you can host and run PHP code:

$ curl -L http://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/tarball/master | tar xvz
$ mv facebook-php-sdk-* facebook-php-sdk
$ cp facebook-php-sdk/examples/example.php index.php

Step 2: Replace the IDs in index.php to have your own app information

It should look like this when you've finished:

// Awesome Facebook Application
// Name: Filipina Dating


// Create our Application instance.
= new Facebook(array(
'appId'  => '117950054918432',
'secret' => '166273f0a34b2ed4248de63ea52770eb',
'cookie' => true,

Step 3: Test Your Application

You've almost finished!

We just need to know two more things. Edit Settings for your application and enter:

  • The Canvas Callback URL — where your app is hosted.
  • The Canvas Page URL — the apps.facebook.com/yourapp URL for your application.

The needed libraries are already included with facebook connect that comes with dolphin. You only need to setup the application. The librarys are for the developers so don't do anything with those, you don't need them.

Your problem is becuse the current facebook module included with dolphin is now out of date becuse facebook changed the API's. You need to obtain the new source from trac and update the module.

The post here covers that problem.


Quote · 9 Jul 2010

Hello Deano,

Thanks a lot I will do that :-)

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
Quote · 9 Jul 2010

Ive tried this repeatedly. On the App page, I noticed that it says :


Directory Status: Not Submitted

and that I need 5-10 active users.

Is that right? Do I have to get people using the FB app before I can get it to work with my site?

My signature can beat up your signature!
Quote · 4 Aug 2010

Ive tried this repeatedly. On the App page, I noticed that it says :


Directory Status: Not Submitted

and that I need 5-10 active users.

Is that right? Do I have to get people using the FB app before I can get it to work with my site?

No. It has to be setup wrong. But the facebook connect that comes with dolphin 7.0.2 is outdated anyway. It needs to be updated to work. But the facebook side appears to be setup wrong also.

UPDATE: That 5 requirement is to submit the app to the directory. But it does not need to be submitted.

Quote · 4 Aug 2010

Interesting. Once again, Im stumped.

I guess Im going to have to use your mods again!

My signature can beat up your signature!
Quote · 4 Aug 2010

Hi does not work for me


FB connects setting page, asking for FB API and secret

1) facebook connect settings page asking for FB API and secret.


facebook developers page

2) facebook developers page to set up the API and secret


facebook API and secret setup

3) Facebook API and secret setup


facebook asking for connect permission

4) facebook asking for connect permission


blank page after permission granted

5)blank page after permission granted


these are the process i folloewed to set up facebook connect.


when i first set up the site and set up FB connect this worked fine 100%, now it does not work

https://niceday-hosting.co.uk | http://northumberlandfriends.co.uk |http://kids-tv.net
Quote · 21 Mar 2011

Did you apply the last patch described here - http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/#topic/Facebook-trouble-with-connect-IMPORTANT-.htm?

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 21 Mar 2011

I copy pasted the details from http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/browser/trunk/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectModule.php as this was not a file to download just the php text to my old file and all i get is


Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/northumb/public_html/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php on line 340

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/northumb/public_html/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php:340) in /home/northumb/public_html/modules/boonex/facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectModule.php on line 146


so it is clear that the facebook connect part of dolphin does not work  and it seems like boonex have not a clue on a fix for this

https://niceday-hosting.co.uk | http://northumberlandfriends.co.uk |http://kids-tv.net
Quote · 23 Mar 2011

It does work.


Are you running dolphin 7.0.5?

Quote · 24 Mar 2011

I have fixed trouble for him. He have d7.0.4

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 25 Mar 2011

what you did or told me to do never worked. so i took the site down and reinstalled with a fresh copy of 7.0.6 and the site was on 7.0.5 and NOT 7.0.4

https://niceday-hosting.co.uk | http://northumberlandfriends.co.uk |http://kids-tv.net
Quote · 1 Apr 2011

I bought this mod a long time ago. I just now put it back on my site. On Dolphin 7.0.7. Why does the menu on the profile page not show the updates and friends updates? It will show my friends. And the icon on the from page for changing your status works fine.

Quote · 29 Sep 2011

A purchased facebook connect. This topic is on the boonex version, so wrong forum.

Anyhow. You have me confused. The updates your describing are not part of facebook connect. Never have been. Perhaps you are confusing facebook connect with another module.

Quote · 29 Sep 2011

It is called FB for D7 v1.3

Quote · 30 Sep 2011

I paid $60 dollars for it. So is that the Boonex version?

Quote · 30 Sep 2011

No it's not. The boonex version is free. Comes with dolphin. It's not even my version.

A search in the market for that name showed nothing. If you know who you purchased it from, contact them directly. It might be one of those modules that was pulled from the market.

Quote · 30 Sep 2011

Look next to FB for D7 v1.3 it should say the mod creator (or if Boonex version). If you paid for the mod, then its a 3rd party module if so, make sure you are using correct mod version compatiable with your dolphin version.

Contact mod creator on there support forum or email with issues.

Quote · 30 Sep 2011

People I just ask a simple question. I know the mod is not available in the market anymore. I see that. I can not find the mod maker in amy of the directions. And Deanos don't take me posting a question so personal. I never said once it was your mod. I know what the Facebook Connect is in Dolphin. It is just a easy way for people to sign up on your site.

Quote · 30 Sep 2011

Seems every time i open my mouth someone reads it the wrong way.

Fine, i am no longer going to offer any help in these forums for a while. I am getting tired.

Quote · 30 Sep 2011


keep posting brother. there are a handful of us on here who appreciate your posts. you are the man. and dont worry about the ones who misread what you state. you put great effort in helping on this forum, and you offer superior support on your products, and at times, go outside the realm of what you developed just to help site owners get things running. 

Seems every time i open my mouth someone reads it the wrong way.

Fine, i am no longer going to offer any help in these forums for a while. I am getting tired.

 dont bail on us brother deano, you are appreciated. 

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 30 Sep 2011


Seems every time i open my mouth someone reads it the wrong way.

Fine, i am no longer going to offer any help in these forums for a while. I am getting tired.


Adding my support, there's more than a handful appreciate your posts.  I wouldn't have got my site up without them.

Quote · 1 Oct 2011

Zarcon you are a genius.  I should of tried the forums a week ago when i was pulling out my hair.  thanks man.

works like a charm.  of course i had to reset everything that i had messed up and then only followed your instructions to the key.  simple and great.  thank you.



Quote · 28 Feb 2012

LOL, this thread is at least 3 years old. Facebook keeps changing their API's. I'm glad you got it working but I bet it doesn't last long.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
Quote · 28 Feb 2012

I'm running 7.3.3 and using the dolphin facebook connect. If someone already has an account it work fine with letting them log in. If they do not have an account it goes to a page and says incorrect email account. I have email verification turned off. 

incorrect email.JPG · 26.8K · 485 views
Quote · 9 Nov 2016

I suspect that during Facebook authorisation when user is asked about what info is passed back to Dolphin site, user unchecked "email", so email isn't passed back to Dolphin and account can't be created without email. 

I'm running 7.3.3 and using the dolphin facebook connect. If someone already has an account it work fine with letting them log in. If they do not have an account it goes to a page and says incorrect email account. I have email verification turned off. 


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 9 Nov 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.