My dolphin7RC site is just stored on a local server. On an Thinkpad T400 notpad, wich is connected to the server through a router, I found loading time of each page exceeded 13 seconds, some even 20 seconds. The case is that there is still no other users online, no spider crawling, no other application.
The machine: Inter core 2 dual cpu @2.2G E4500, win2003 server, apache 2.2.11, php5.2.11.
I have also tested dolphin6.1.6, which run much faster than dolphin7.
I wonder whether it' due to the fundmental structure of D7? Since there many classes inheriting and functions calling, and it's alreading known function call is very expensive in PHP.
Does any one agree with this ?
If that's true, the value of a good program structure seems doubtful. Right ?
I have changed httpd.conf as suggested in,
AddType application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip .air AddType application/x-shockwave-flash .swf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-httpd-php
and Don't see much improvement.
I hope you do NOT plan on hosting your website locally! There are alot of things that can be slowing it down. D7's structure is much different than D6, such as all the Ajax loaders, just for one example.
There are some things to remember here, Dolphin seems to work best on Linux servers and not Windows, although it will run. We all know that Linux servers do not run the same "processes" as the Windows server, thus decreasing response time.
For testing purposes, I would not complain over the 13-20 seconds load times, since you are going through your local LAN, which still has to be "routed". Even if you thinking, "I have a gigbit LAN", that still has nothing to do with the fact that your traffic locally is probably still passing at 2-10 Mbps.
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To add to Zarcon's post. If you are on a Thinkpad notebook then you are going to be inherently SLOW as you need to look at your hardware. Notebooks use 5400 RPM harddrives v. a 7200-10,000 rpm harddrive found in typical web servers and ordinary desktops. Your ram will be running slower and your motherboard is just not as robust as servers or desktops. So the fact you have a dual core notebook @ 2.2G is no where near the same as the equivilent desktop or server. Your problem is largely hardware.
I run my site on a unix server, dual core intel xeon 3Ghz, 4G ram and a server motherboard. This machine is made to run web applications and my load times are 1-3 seconds, depending on the machine I'm testing it on. The server has almost no lag, usually its the spooling on my test machine that determines how fast the site runs. My gaming desktop (water cooled oc qx6700) will browser the site very fast and my laptop noticeably slower.
Some of my friends have complained about the speed of my upcoming D7RC1 site as well. Presently, it's hosted with Arvixe on a linux shared hosting plan
I contacted Arvixe support and asked them if I upgrade my hosting, plan, do they think my speed would increase and they told that the speed is same for all the plans and they don't think upgrading to a better hosting plan will improve my site speed. They said it's better to check for code optimization.
I know software's like dolphin are not meant to be run on shared
servers but this site is still in early stages (not launched yet) and I
would like to test if fully and prepare it before I move it onto a
dedicated server or something...I had a dedicated server in the past and it gave me so much trouble with attacks, dod's etc that i spent more time on server hardening then my actual site. And if I look into for managed dedicated/virtual servers, they cost almost around $100/month. I would like to do that but only once my site has 1000+ users...
So is there any other cheap way to handle this???
Thank You
Umm, I have to disagree with Arvixe. I have my site on a shared hosting plan and it loads quite nicely if you ask me. Granite, the hosting plan I have is with a company that specifically designs their servers for Dolphin site for optimization.
Either way, I know it is possible to have a dolphin site on a shared hosting plan that is also optimal in speed.
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Issue goes deeper.
If you click on the + or - buttons to add members to that privacy group you can start searching all the members in the database. Add everyone to a privacy group tha tis banned lol what a hackers dream..
Should we disable all members on the demo site into a dump privacy group to get their attention on this?
Wrong forum post Maurice :)
Nothing to see here |
I don't knwo what your quoting
As for me, is fast with FF but very slow with IE (IE7)... Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
As for me, is fast with FF but very slow with IE (IE7)...
I've noticed that dolphin throws the most errors with IE. On IE8 I see lots of the little ! in my browser window that causes many problems. I don't post those errors as they go ignored, maybe once a final rc is out the issues with IE can be addressed.
I bought a new mac laptop because of IE. IE sucks! lol |
I bought a new mac laptop because of IE. IE sucks! lol
IE does suck but I wouldn't want to buy a mac, I'd be stuck only being able to play Oregon Trail!
Naw I'll stick with my home-built pc. Twice as fast as the macs at 1/4 the price  |
hahahaha good luck with windows 7. it's pretty much like mac but unstable. def better than vista |
I'm sure its fun being on an operating system of such inconsquence that no hacker takes the time out to attack it :) |
hahahaa ... snicker snicker.. Windows 7 users... UNITE... haha Nothing to see here |
Like my new photo zarcon? |
Like my new photo zarcon?
Yeppers.. give me an idea.. check back shortly :)
Nothing to see here |
I have an idea! lets make this as a chat room! first, we have to ask tutor for permission.
I already asked for one to no avail
@Zarcon: and I will always respect your AUTHORTA!
I feel much better now.. Respect my Authority !!! Nothing to see here | seems like more and more users are browsing the net with FF. But a lot are still using IE 7, 8, even 6... Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
I also build sites and even though you all might not like ie, you need to design to it. Locking them out because you are trying to enforce what you think is the best browser is not a good idea and your site volume will suffer. FF users still only account for a single digit percentage and the other ones are all fractions of a single digit.
As far as this thread being a 'chatroom' just convionce the original author to change the title to "The never ending thread". then we will be all set! ... Hosted by! |
So what is the best hosting company in terms of speed, reasonable cost and decent bandwidth
I am interested in shared hosting as I am probably not going to be running RMS, for a start anyway.
Arvixe seems to be OK in terms of cost but there are complaints about slow speed.
Thanks in advance
Its really not fair for us to post/advertise our web hosts here. But you can view the "Ads" section and click web hosting.. Read the reviews for yourself :)
Nothing to see here |
I love mine, but I'm paying for a dedicated box for my end project with the backing of a corp so costs are a little more than what the typcial dolphin users are willing to pay for hosting. |
I'd like to clarify that, I'm ot running the site on note pad, it's on a win2003 server, and my browser is on t400 notebook, with intel p8600 @2.4Gz, 320G HD @ 7200rps. They are the same with the case of d6.1.6.
Even as mauricecano mentioned, running on such a strong unix server, do you think 1-3 senconds is reasonable ? How many concurrent users you'd like to foresee ? Do you compire it with d6.1.6 ?
Would anyone like to discuss the influnce of the different structure of d7 and d6 ?
I would love to see this placed on zend framework.
I don't have any experience with the 6.1 version and how it compares. As for speed, I think 1 sec to process everything is okay considering the index page is over 2,000 lines long. Is that too long, yes, and the code could use some optimization but we are still in the development phase and as things move forward the code can be optimized.
My site is working fine and fast and my hosting is realy nice try to get a better internet speed
Try: Comcast : High-Speed Internet-$19.99/month for 6 months
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
Page generation time by server is fast and it should be even faster than D6.1.x (you can see it if you enable profiler module).
But full page is loaded pretty slow because of design, there are a lot of small elements, and browser have to make a lot of requests to the server to load full page. Old D6.1.x design was much simpler and it looks like it is loaded faster.
My dolphin7RC site is just stored on a local server. On an Thinkpad T400 notpad, wich is connected to the server through a router, I found loading time of each page exceeded 13 seconds, some even 20 seconds. The case is that there is still no other users online, no spider crawling, no other application.
The machine: Inter core 2 dual cpu @2.2G E4500, win2003 server, apache 2.2.11, php5.2.11.
I have also tested dolphin6.1.6, which run much faster than dolphin7.
I wonder whether it' due to the fundmental structure of D7? Since there many classes inheriting and functions calling, and it's alreading known function call is very expensive in PHP.
Does any one agree with this ?
If that's true, the value of a good program structure seems doubtful. Right ?
I have changed httpd.conf as suggested in,
AddType application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip .air AddType application/x-shockwave-flash .swf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-httpd-php
and Don't see much improvement.
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In my case, when both d6 and d7 running on a same machine, to generate the homepage code, it takes 1 second or less for d6, and 5 seconds or more for d7. I mean just generating the page code for the first request, not including other elements,nor including browser processing,nor network delay.
Hope the performance could be tuned better later.
Would anyone please give me some hints how to find out and track to the function code consuming most of processing time ?
is there any tool or plugins ?
You know, I was sitting around last night thinking about this. I am a pretty fair sitebuilder and there is one thing no one has mentioned in this post.
Image sizes. Has anyone seen the size of those images in the rotating banner at the top? Some of them exceed 140k!
Page load times aren't all about trips to the database, there are many factors involved. The most important (and also easiest to solve) is the file size of the page you are trying to load. Those images on the front page could be reduced by as much as 90% and still maintain their quality!
Reduce your image footprint...... ... Hosted by! |
You know, I was sitting around last night thinking about this. I am a pretty fair sitebuilder and there is one thing no one has mentioned in this post.
Image sizes. Has anyone seen the size of those images in the rotating banner at the top? Some of them exceed 140k!
Page load times aren't all about trips to the database, there are many factors involved. The most important (and also easiest to solve) is the file size of the page you are trying to load. Those images on the front page could be reduced by as much as 90% and still maintain their quality!
Reduce your image footprint......
Never noticed that as I removed them with my own custom immages but that is def a good point, very large images take a few seconds to download and gives the appearance of slowing the site.
In my case, when both d6 and d7 running on a same machine, to generate the homepage code, it takes 1 second or less for d6, and 5 seconds or more for d7. I mean just generating the page code for the first request, not including other elements,nor including browser processing,nor network delay.
Hope the performance could be tuned better later.
Today, I checked the time consumed for home page generating. By gathering start time at top of index.php, and end time before ?> of index.php, I found the time to generate the page is only 0.5s. But the browser still need about 12s to get the html code of the page. After the html code received, the browser will fetch other elements.
So It's maybe not due to PHP only, but Apache on win2003. I have no idea how to improve this. Anyone has suggestion?
The 0.5s generating time sound more reasonable, but still slower than d6.1.6. There should be space to improve.
Maybe try to disable Google Maps block in the home page... Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Maybe try to disable Google Maps block in the home page...
we have tried it.we disabled all most 8 functions in the home page
but still it takes 10-12 seconts to load
In my case, when both d6 and d7 running on a same machine, to generate the homepage code, it takes 1 second or less for d6, and 5 seconds or more for d7. I mean just generating the page code for the first request, not including other elements,nor including browser processing,nor network delay.
Hope the performance could be tuned better later.
Please tell what time is given to you by profiler ? Also it tells bottlenecks - what modules and SQL queries exactly make delay.
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