hi i am new to dolphin and would really appreciate any help that can be given.
i am making a site which needs to be customized.
there is an option of adding groups, what i want to do is that i want to ad subgroups to a given group.can someone help me in that?
Thanks a lot.
Out of the box this is not possible, may someone can programming this for you. Kids first |
There are pre groups defined upon installation ANIMALS,AUTOMOTIVE,CULTURES AND NATIONS and so on ... creating new groups I believe will fall into subgroups category
.... create a new group and youll find yourself opted to choose where your group falls in these category,making your group a subgorup. well correct me if Im wrong on this one.
Activities, Animals & Pets, Arts & Literature etc - this is not groups :)
this is just categories. So you can create new groups into categories.
So about groups in another groups, seems you need to change groups functional to realize this
Hi All,
Thanks for the replies. I really need to get this done but am totally clueless.Let me elaborate the problem then maybe it'll be easier for you to understand.
I basically need to create subgroups for the different groups created under each category.
ACTIVITIES is a category and i create a group called SPORTS under it.(till here its poss)
what i need to do is create subgroups under SPORTS like say football,volleyball etc etc
Thus SPORTS in turn becomes a category for football,volleyball etc.
Can someone please help..
Thanks in advance..Suk
So this is just subcategories, not Group :) |
no Andrey more like groups under groups :) so any clue |
Group will mean that anybody can be able to join to this group, upload pics, own forum,
Are peoples will create groups separately and in ACTIVITIES and in SPORTS? :)
Seems better to keep only Sports (as existed subcategory) as available to select in category ACTIVITIES during creating new one group.
Like other usual multimedia site
I wanted to do the same thing you are trying to do and had to come up with a creative solution to get a close as I could to my objective. What I did was to delete all of the prepackaged group categories and then created my own group categories. In the example you used, I formatted them as SPORTS:Football, SPORTS:Soccer, etc. Since you can arrange the order of the categories, this worked pretty well and the presentation and organization was acceptable enough. And since you can arange the order of the categories, adding a new one is not a problem.
The other possible creative solution may be to create a category called sports, then, acting as a member, create the individual subgroups. Then you could disable the feature that allows uses to create their own groups. Not sure if that will suit your purposes, but thought I would toss it out there just in case.
this will work if only the admin is making the groups and subgroups as only admin can greate categories.
what i want is that when a member creates a group under a category he/she also has an option to create a subgroup under the group.
in this case a member adds a group called SPORTS under ACTIVITIES later he can add a subgroup to SPORS called FOOTBALL. is that possible?
i located the code which calls the page to create group but could not understand the code:
if( $arrMember['Status'] == 'Active' ) $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oGroups->PCCreateForm($memberID); //cals the page else $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = _t( '_You must be active member to create groups' );
$_ni = 72
Rest i don't understand how is the page called or the code.
Any clue?
if( $arrMember['Status'] == 'Active' ) $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oGroups->PCCreateForm($memberID); //cals the page else $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = _t( '_You must be active member to create groups' );
this mean that only active members can create new groups. Active as status of member.
Not inside groups, only in existed categories.