I just today ran across whats called URLWIRE but it costs like $495.00. Was wondering if anyone has launched their site using this or something like it and have had good luck or should this be avoided?
I just today ran across whats called URLWIRE but it costs like $495.00. Was wondering if anyone has launched their site using this or something like it and have had good luck or should this be avoided? THINK FOR YOUSELF! Its not illegal...YET ! www.NebLife.com |
i am interested in this also. anybody had business with URLwire or know something about this service? http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/paansystems - your resource for Dolphin Pro |
It sounds good but many things sound good and are not. It would be nice to hear from someone who has experienced this service. Why is it not possible for some people here at the unity to hook up and start a project together where we all can work on to promote our sites!?
Lets make it one major site with 2 parts, non-adult and adult. From there we go :-) Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-) |
from what i read on the site, and i was speed reading, but its not something you would launch your site with. this is a service you would acquire after your site is up and running, and you have good relative content for distribution.
Seems this guy has been around for a minute, and where is not claiming SEO/SEM black or white hat, he does state exactly what he will do for the $495.00.
im sure he would provide you with some references if you desire to know if he has worked with any niche social network clients. When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
im sure he would provide you with some references if you desire to know if he has worked with any niche social network clients. I actually saw some social network sites on his site Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-) |
not much about it on alexa.com
I didn't see anything he does that you couldn't do yourself for free. He says he it is NOT a press release service but after reading that seems like that is exactly what it is. BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I also noticed that one of the top things on his list is that he will send a release of your site out to his 'clients list', this after he filters through if he first thinks they will be interested in your site. It then says normally this means 300 people will see your site...
millions of visitors, yet site traffic on alexa is too low to even register... |
ok but say some of us have no email list, or anything like. In reqards to DIDDY, what about creating a few REVIEW sites for the 2 seperate niche sites he talks about. We could all benefit from it. I bought an ebook a few years ago about "NEMESIS" or something like that. Its super long though. He claimed to have all these secrets but dont they all. They always seem to leave out a piece of the puzzle though. (so to speak)... THINK FOR YOUSELF! Its not illegal...YET ! www.NebLife.com |
Back to URLWire. I will vouch for them. Have known of them for some time now (at least 10 years) They are a great resource but the earlier comments are correct. it is NOT a system designed to punch up your ranking, it is a system designed for sites with very good to exceptional content to get started/noticed by those specifically interested in what the site has to offer.. This quote taken from their site says it all. "You must be producing useful and linkworthy content in the first place, or no amount of publicity will attract links." The average dating site or Facebook clone doesn't meet this criteria. http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Actually, i cannot stand face book and i have thoughts of creating a social network for, well a certain type of occupation. This niche i talk of is hard to come by and since that is what i do. I figured the companies out there would be an easy target to get up on it quik for adverts. I dont want to let the cat out of the bag but i only know of 1 or 2 sites around and they just SUCK to be honest. Nothing adult, or nothing about dating THINK FOR YOUSELF! Its not illegal...YET ! www.NebLife.com |
As I did. Now, if I can just get rid of the damned site destroying friend properties of Dolphin. http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |