The error occurs whenever a user clicks on the submit button when replying or when a user deletes a reply. It causes the page to not refresh. Admin accounts are not affected by the error. It seems the error is caused by the BX_FORUM_PUBLIC_POST and BX_FORUM_DELETE_ALL in callback.php.
if (!isAdmin($oProfile->_iProfileID)) {
if (isset($aTopic['forum_type']) && 'private' == $aTopic['forum_type'])
checkAction($oProfile->_iProfileID, $iActionId, true); // perform action
checkAction($oProfile->_iProfileID, BX_FORUM_DELETE_ALL, true); // perform action
Any help on the matter is appreciated. Also, I'm curious, where does the values for BX_FORUM_PUBLIC_POST and BX_FORUM_DELETE_ALL come from?
Thanks for the help.