Ok so I have chatroll to work on my site with logged in users, works fine on the site. I am trying to add it to the wap module and it does not see the users that are logged in to the wap as logged into the site, like they are not even logged in this is the code that works to get chatroll to intergrade in the non mobile version of the site
$iID = getLoggedId();
$uid = $iID;
$uname = getNickName($iID);
$ulink = getProfileLink($iID);
$upic = get_member_thumbnail($iID, 'none');
$ismod = 0;
$sig = md5($uid . $uname . $ismod . 'ii2fu1lw4uo1elk1');
$ssoParams = '&uid=' . $uid . "&uname=" . urlencode($uname) . "&ulink=" . urlencode($ulink) . "&upic=" . urlencode($upic) . "&ismod=" . $ismod . "&sig=" . $sig;
echo '<div align="center"><iframe width="450" height="350" src="http://chatroll.com/embed/chat/yoursite?id=yourid&platform=php'.$ssoParams.'&w=$0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
<div style="font-size:0.9em;text-align:center;"><a href="http://chatroll.com/solutions/live-chat-software">PHP Live Chat Software</a></div></div>';