catch the IP

Hi, I'd like to keep in the database the IP of all people who subscribe to my home page (also those who subscribe to newsletter).

is it possible? And how


Thanks  a lot



Quote · 14 Sep 2008

It does for members, Felt MEMIP on table Profiles

Quote · 14 Sep 2008

So we have to add it on mysql? and how?



Quote · 14 Sep 2008

Not sure what you are after but there is some ip logging in the database if you exlore it with phpmyadmin or other.

There is also a couple of cheap mods that will log a members ip in your admin panel and log admin attempts by mscott at expertzzz. They work great.

Only thing is if you have a freak on your hands ip logging don't do a whole lot of good. Maybe for what you are after, but for buttheads all they do is keep changing their ip and hitting your site over and over with something new.

It used to be ip blocking worked, and it still does a little, but not as much as it used too.

I get so many hack attempts from so many different ip's I gave up on blocking ip's a long time ago. I do use a spammer type of blacklist and block certain country's and areas of the world. But generally you can deny ip's all day long and it don't do any good.

Better to find out what they are after or targeting and block that if possible. Or a combination of ip blocking with what they are after.

I see mention of we should include ip banning in the admin panel. That's nice but you can ban ip's all day long and they will still keep coming. Basically this is a total waste of time. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 14 Sep 2008

It does for members, Felt MEMIP on table Profiles

MEMIP field is NOT there in v6.1.4  .....  ?

gameutopia, matt is talking about logging the subscribers IP address for spam purposes NOT 'blocking' IPs  ..... 

Actually the the join as well as subscriptions need to be double-optin with the IPs logged for anti-spam reasons  ..... 

Boonex  .....  you listening?

Quote · 14 Sep 2008

memip is one of mscott's mods that ads to the database. It's almost always possible to log ip's with the right code or if some one wants to do it for you.

To me if you are after logging subscribers there must be some other idea behind it. I actually don't use subscribers, but I don't totally get why you would need to log their ips unless you are wanting to block something.

At any rate they are subscribing what is the whole concept of logging them. I mean sure if you are some kind of huge mega site, but most dolphins are not even worth the effort of logging odd ball things. Unless you are allowing mp3's that are copyrighted and the big boys want to shut you and your users down. But that is not related to subscribers either. Their are certainly ip's that do visit your site and look for these things. I tend to block their ip's even though I don't allow mp3's but I don't like the guys that scan my site searching for these files. There are a number of spy type of ip's that visit a site as well. I don't know what some of these are looking for but I know there ip ranges or what has been published so I ban them too. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 14 Sep 2008

It's part of anti-spam crap  .....  If they later want to say they never subscribed and you are spamming them, you have the proof (logged IP number) that they did infact subscribe ..... 

Believe it  .....  you need the proof  .....

Quote · 14 Sep 2008


It's part of anti-spam crap  .....  If they later want to say they never subscribed and you are spamming them, you have the proof (loggedIP number) that they did infact subscribe ..... 


This was the reason beacuase i wanted an IP saver.

Every webmaster have to obsertve it not to have problem with users..also in the case you have 10 users.

Quote · 14 Sep 2008

Well whatever, I find it hard to believe that they everyone wants this. If so ask boonex they make this software, maybe they can help you out. If not maybe someone can take your money from you and do it.

Hey sorry not your fault or anything, but I'm getting a little irrated everything here. Ask boonex, hey that's a site too I think. Do these guys ever get back to anyone? Whey don't they say hey just do this or that. Edit this or that? Heck no! You all look to us and the forums. We take a minute of our time which is more like an hour or 2 to figure some things out. Some we don't bother with, when a database integration or time consuming processes is involved.

Sure ask away. I hear you. I do it all the time some places.

But everyone wants one thing FREE!! I think some forget and get pissy when people mention a fee. They freak out. Yes paying for something sucks. But I didn't make this site or software to begin with, maybe they should have had a better system to begin with. The minute someone posts something for free in the forums...everyone flocks there....but they don't realize how much this person put into it. They don't donate anything they don't support the sites sponsors, all they want and see is FREE.

Take a minute and support this persons mod, join their site, click their sponsors, and personally thank them. So many will charge you $100's of dollars for what others have provided for free.

Sorry to ramble on in this forum, if I get around to this disappointing place I will try to put it in a blog too.

Sorry nothing personal guys I've just did my time and about had it with this place.

gameutopia - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 14 Sep 2008

I decided to buy this mod from an user.

I dont ask to Boonex because the dont answer.

I'm not satisfied about Boonex support. And I find Dolphin not the best software community.

I bought the licence but I think i will come back to joomla.

Quote · 14 Sep 2008

This possibility (to keep members logged IP) will available in next dolphin update (seems 6.2), recheck Trac section here.

Quote · 15 Sep 2008

Just checked all closed tasks

Quote · 15 Sep 2008

I believe what you are looking for is here

Quote · 15 Sep 2008

thanks takamii, this would be the right mod! But as I said i will come back to joomla.

In addition, i find really stupid to pay always to buy new mods because they arent in the software.

Thanks anyway for all help the USERS gave me! :-)

Ps: By the way, sammie i dont need your "bye".

Quote · 17 Sep 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.