batch create members

I've setup a site using Dolphin 6.1. My previous database already has about 500 users information, such as email, pass, address, in Excel/Access format. I, as an admin, would like to batch migrate users to Dolphin new site instead of letting them to do it again.

I was wondering if there is way to pre-populate members in a batch mode from a text file/Excel.

Thanks very much!


Quote · 26 Sep 2008

I've setup a site using Dolphin 6.1.X <-- what?

There are several threads about this if you search the forums  ..... 


Quote · 26 Sep 2008

Dolphin 6.1.4

Yeah, there is a similar post/question. Seems like it's related with the 'Profiles' table. Not sure if I can just write a script to populate that table to solve my problem. My concern is the encryped password field. Do you know if somebody has a utility script to do that? I'll be keeping digging the posts. Thanks a lot for your helps!

Quote · 27 Sep 2008

Dolphin passwords are encrypted with MD5 so if your old are the same then you’re good to go  .....

Quote · 30 Sep 2008

I had the same issue - not as many users as you but almost (350).  When I did my transfer, I made a new field called "password two" with the old password, then in the membership area of the admin panel copied them down manually to the password and confirm password fields one by one.  Probably not what you wanted to hear - I am still at it :-(

Quote · 30 Sep 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.