When logged in, if you hover over a member's icon, and the action menu pops up, selecting "Share" places the "Invite a Friend" popup window behind the action menu instead of in front of it. This makes it difficult to use.
This can be duplicated in Google Chrome by visiting demo.boonex.com, logging in, and doing the following:
- From the top menu, select "People" > "All Members"
- Once the page loads, hover over one of the avatar icons until the action menu appears (I used "Possum")
- From the Action Menu, click the "Share" button.
- The "Invite a Friend" popup will appear behind the action menu.
As far as I can tell, the #bx_tellfriend div element is being created with a z-index of 1000 which is the same as #short_profile_info. If you increase the z-index of #bx_tellfriend to 1001 or decrease the z-index of #short_profile_info to 999, the problem is resolved.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to track down where these z-index values are generated, so I haven't yet come up with a solution. I do know that other action menu items that load a 2nd popup (such as the subscribe button) are also affected by the same issue.