Yahoo Answers Clone Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Answers mod.

Paypal email is -
8 Jan 2011

Version 2.0.1 released.

This patch fixes a problem with the 'Best Answer' display.

Clients can download the mod and check the patches/version_2.0.1 folder for instructions

Paypal email is -
8 Jan 2011

I activated points for Answers in the answers module, but I'm not seeing an Answers section in my Points module.

How do I control the points awarded for Answers?

18 May 2011

Did you run the sqlpoints.php ?

I activated points for Answers in the answers module, but I'm not seeing an Answers section in my Points module.

How do I control the points awarded for Answers?


Paypal email is -
18 May 2011

Apparently not. It's working now.



18 May 2011

Version is still 2.0.0

No sqlupdated to update database.

Manually updated version to 2.0.1 via database editing.

What is sqlpoints.php for?

The patch 2.0.1 only required to upload the folder.


19 May 2011

I have added the sqlupdate.php. The sqlpoints.php is only needed for integration with the Points mod.

Version is still 2.0.0

No sqlupdated to update database.

Manually updated version to 2.0.1 via database editing.

What is sqlpoints.php for?

The patch 2.0.1 only required to upload the folder.



Paypal email is -
19 May 2011

Version 2.0.2 released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

Adds missing subscription email template for Answers.

Paypal email is -
17 Jul 2011

Any chance of this mod being updated to leverage mobile app updates in D7.0.7?  I love this mod so far, and no problems in D7.0.7, I would love to see answering and asking on mobile.

2 Aug 2011

 Yes, all the mods will eventually be updated.

Any chance of this mod being updated to leverage mobile app updates in D7.0.7?  I love this mod so far, and no problems in D7.0.7, I would love to see answering and asking on mobile.


Paypal email is -
2 Aug 2011

Version 2.0.3 released. (See patches/version_2.0.3 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with missing blocks for uploaded media (photos etc)

Paypal email is -
8 Aug 2011

Plz give some working demo link... And is there any way to post images in the questions??
8 Aug 2011

 Images can be uploaded. See

Plz give some working demo link... And is there any way to post images in the questions??


Paypal email is -
8 Aug 2011

can we have ASK QUESTION block in dashboard??? 

Coz that will really encourage user to ask a question,,, wat say?

And why cant a user post answer multiple times???
13 Aug 2011

can we have ASK QUESTION block in dashboard?

Response : I will add that in the next release

why cant a user post answer multiple times?

Response : This does not seem logical to me that someone should post multiple answers to the same question, however the mod could always be specifically adjusted for your site.

can we have ASK QUESTION block in dashboard??? 

Coz that will really encourage user to ask a question,,, wat say?

And why cant a user post answer multiple times???


Paypal email is -
13 Aug 2011


can we have ASK QUESTION block in dashboard?

Response : I will add that in the next release

why cant a user post answer multiple times?

Response : This does not seem logical to me that someone should post multiple answers to the same question, however the mod could always be specifically adjusted for your site.

can we have ASK QUESTION block in dashboard??? 

Coz that will really encourage user to ask a question,,, wat say?

And why cant a user post answer multiple times???


 Yes, u can add the option to enable/disable multiple posts via admin panel.. actually mine is a medical community and i want to use this mod to discuss clinical cases and xrays..
13 Aug 2011

Version 2.0.4 released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability for Admin to decide whether or not to delete Questions whose voting period has ended and no best answer is selected.

Paypal email is -
25 Aug 2011

 Thanks for this patch..... ;)

I would also like to suggest a page dedicated to showing resolved/closed answers/questions rathar that a user having to be in particular related topic to see them!

for example a page showing all recent closed

Also on the block on home page it shows the answers/questions within the number of comments made which is normally '0'

I think it would make more sense  to show the number of answers given to question instead and not comments as it will help users to see they are active questions with other users answering etc..


Version 2.0.4 released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability for Admin to decide whether or not to delete Questions whose voting period has ended and no best answer is selected. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
5 Nov 2011

Is there any chance you might make a version that is able to import questions, and answers from Yahoo? It is permissible to do this from the perspective to Yahoo's ToS and can really help build traffic and replies.

5 Nov 2011

There is an option which asking questions to upload images/video/file but when we see an open question where are they?

Where and for what are they being uploaded?
8 Nov 2011

 There are no plans for this presently but will look into the possibility for future versions.

Is there any chance you might make a version that is able to import questions, and answers from Yahoo? It is permissible to do this from the perspective to Yahoo's ToS and can really help build traffic and replies.


Paypal email is -
8 Nov 2011

The media is on the view page for the Question. Media is optional and is useful as supporting material for the question.

There is an option which asking questions to upload images/video/file but when we see an open question where are they?

Where and for what are they being uploaded?


Paypal email is -
8 Nov 2011

But i cant see it in ur demo site
9 Nov 2011

 The demo site is updated.

But i cant see it in ur demo site


Paypal email is -
9 Nov 2011

Version 2.0.5 released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

Adds link to menu and homepage block to browse recently closed questions.

Modifies display on homepage etc. to show Answer count instead of Comments count.

Adds Video Embedding functionality.

Adds Invite Friends functionality.

Various adjustments to interface.

Paypal email is -
10 Nov 2011

 Superb update......

some css probs there i guess, check attached image

Version 2.0.5 released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

Adds link to menu and homepage block to browse recently closed questions.

Modifies display on homepage etc. to show Answer count instead of Comments count.

Adds Video Embedding functionality.

Adds Invite Friends functionality.

Various adjustments to interface.


Answers.png · 168.7K · 396 views
10 Nov 2011

 What browser (and version) are you seeing this with ?

 Superb update......

some css probs there i guess, check attached image

Version 2.0.5 released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

Adds link to menu and homepage block to browse recently closed questions.

Modifies display on homepage etc. to show Answer count instead of Comments count.

Adds Video Embedding functionality.

Adds Invite Friends functionality.

Various adjustments to interface.



Paypal email is -
10 Nov 2011

I just tested this on the demo site, and I found that I receive an email indicating I posted a Question on the Wall. Could I suggest stopping the email notification to the same member who posted the question? I believe no need for extra email traffic. I like this mod, and I would like to buy it! 

10 Nov 2011

 The wall notification is not a part of the Answers module.

I just tested this on the demo site, and I found that I receive an email indicating I posted a Question on the Wall. Could I suggest stopping the email notification to the same member who posted the question? I believe no need for extra email traffic. I like this mod, and I would like to buy it! 


Paypal email is -
10 Nov 2011

 i use chrome latest version . ill check on firefox n safari too

 What browser (and version) are you seeing this with ?

 Superb update......

some css probs there i guess, check attached image

Version 2.0.5 released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

Adds link to menu and homepage block to browse recently closed questions.

Modifies display on homepage etc. to show Answer count instead of Comments count.

Adds Video Embedding functionality.

Adds Invite Friends functionality.

Various adjustments to interface.

10 Nov 2011

it is possible that users get mail and notification on the site when invited to answer question ??

would be great addition as alot of peoples mail goes right to spam folder with gmail etc and will never know that invites have been sent to them !? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
11 Nov 2011

I installed this yesterday and I like it, however, I have 2 question about the Category block on home view of the mod.

1) I could not re-arreagen the category alphabetically. It added them at the bottom.For Example, Dating, Love..

2) I was expecting to see the number of posts between parentheses for each category and I did not see that. It did not follow modzzz tradition. for example, Dating (3)

are those a bug?

Categories Answer.JPG · 27.3K · 483 views
11 Nov 2011

I am testing more this mod...and here is my feedback

1) As a member, I posted question, and another member just Answer my question. I did not get niether email or Spy Notification. Could you please add both? Even better, let the member set the prefered email notification with option (no, instantly , weekly)

2) I rated an answer, and again, no notification sent, neither to email nor on Spy. and hope to see those notification setting too.

12 Nov 2011


I shared a few open questions on fb, now i want to put an image tag sum where in module so when i

share any question or themodule inself on fb, i shows a given icon too...

How to do this?
18 Nov 2011

 I do not quite understand what you are asking here.


I shared a few open questions on fb, now i want to put an image tag sum where in module so when i

share any question or themodule inself on fb, i shows a given icon too...

How to do this?


Paypal email is -
19 Nov 2011

Version 2.0.6 released. (See patches/version_2.0.6 folder in zip file)

Adds Membership Level Control for Answering Questions.

Adds Email Notification when a Question is Answered.

Enhancement of Invite feature to send Invitations to Internal Mailbox as well as External Mail.

Paypal email is -
19 Nov 2011

 Whenever we share a link on fb, it imports a thumbnail image too... so when i am sharing an open questions link on fb it jus show the link and no thumbnail. so is there any way to add an image tag in module so whenever i share an open question's link on other sites a thumbnail image or logo of the module is shown there?


 I do not quite understand what you are asking here.


I shared a few open questions on fb, now i want to put an image tag sum where in module so when i

share any question or themodule inself on fb, i shows a given icon too...

How to do this?
19 Nov 2011

Whenever a non-admin is trying to answer a question, they get an error - checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0

What is causing this and how do I fix it? Thanks.

6 Dec 2011

 Have you updated the mod to the latest version ?

Whenever a non-admin is trying to answer a question, they get an error - checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0

What is causing this and how do I fix it? Thanks.


Paypal email is -
6 Dec 2011

I have the latest version. Tried reinstalling the mod.


 Have you updated the mod to the latest version ?

Whenever a non-admin is trying to answer a question, they get an error - checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0

What is causing this and how do I fix it? Thanks.

8 Dec 2011

 The mod will be updated shortly.

I have the latest version. Tried reinstalling the mod.


 Have you updated the mod to the latest version ?

Whenever a non-admin is trying to answer a question, they get an error - checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0

What is causing this and how do I fix it? Thanks.


Paypal email is -
9 Dec 2011

So do you mean, is there 2.0.7 soon?

16 Dec 2011

Version 2.0.7 released. (See patches/version_2.0.7 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with Membership Level Control for Answering Questions.

Modify layout of Top Contributors block.

Paypal email is -
19 Dec 2011

Version 2.0.8 released. (See patches/version_2.0.8 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with date display on Question view page.

Paypal email is -
1 Apr 2012

When trying to answer a question, users got this message: "Fatal error: Call to a member function assignPoints() on a non-object in/home/reseller1/domains/ on line 317 ". 

Does anyone know why?

Thank you

25 Apr 2012

You have turned on integration with the Points mod in the settings. You cannot do this unless you also have the Points mod installed. Either install the Points mod or go back and deactivate the option.

When trying to answer a question, users got this message: "Fatal error: Call to a member function assignPoints() on a non-object in/home/reseller1/domains/ on line 317 ". 

Does anyone know why?

Thank you


Paypal email is -
25 Apr 2012

Thank you. I deactivate Point mode!

25 Apr 2012

A couple of bizzare incidents I have noticed just this week using this mod. Some of my members are saying that the date or timing of their answers were incorrect. For instance it shows I left an answer, but in reality I never did. This has happened to at least 3 members now. I cannot pinpoint the culprit.

Any feedback please?

26 Apr 2012

 Here is more information on this.

I answered a question (actually I did not answer it, but it shows I did) . When I log in as admin, I see my avatar as the one who answered the question, when I sign is myself I see my personal avatar as having answered the question, when my wife signs in she sees her avatar, on the same answer. Yes, it is on the same computer.

Can you advise or provide some thoughts please.


A couple of bizzare incidents I have noticed just this week using this mod. Some of my members are saying that the date or timing of their answers were incorrect. For instance it shows I left an answer, but in reality I never did. This has happened to at least 3 members now. I cannot pinpoint the culprit.

Any feedback please?


27 Apr 2012

Upgrade the mod to the latest version.

A couple of bizzare incidents I have noticed just this week using this mod. Some of my members are saying that the date or timing of their answers were incorrect. For instance it shows I left an answer, but in reality I never did. This has happened to at least 3 members now. I cannot pinpoint the culprit.

Any feedback please?


Paypal email is -
27 Apr 2012

 Thank you, I will do so this weekend and check it out. Appreciate it.


Upgrade the mod to the latest version.

A couple of bizzare incidents I have noticed just this week using this mod. Some of my members are saying that the date or timing of their answers were incorrect. For instance it shows I left an answer, but in reality I never did. This has happened to at least 3 members now. I cannot pinpoint the culprit.

Any feedback please?



27 Apr 2012

 Yep, works just fine, thank you very much.


 Thank you, I will do so this weekend and check it out. Appreciate it.


Upgrade the mod to the latest version.

A couple of bizzare incidents I have noticed just this week using this mod. Some of my members are saying that the date or timing of their answers were incorrect. For instance it shows I left an answer, but in reality I never did. This has happened to at least 3 members now. I cannot pinpoint the culprit.

Any feedback please?




28 Apr 2012

One of my members posted a question, but I cannot see it on the sites home page (index). If I visit the question home page, it shows fine. I see other questions on the site home page, but not this one. Any settings I need to check? This has never happened previously. We have had many questions posted already.


3 May 2012

 Only Questions with viewing access set as "public" will show on index page.

One of my members posted a question, but I cannot see it on the sites home page (index). If I visit the question home page, it shows fine. I see other questions on the site home page, but not this one. Any settings I need to check? This has never happened previously. We have had many questions posted already.



Paypal email is -
3 May 2012

 Thank you and that did resolve the issue.


 Only Questions with viewing access set as "public" will show on index page.

One of my members posted a question, but I cannot see it on the sites home page (index). If I visit the question home page, it shows fine. I see other questions on the site home page, but not this one. Any settings I need to check? This has never happened previously. We have had many questions posted already.




3 May 2012

I already reported this bug by email, I suppose that you have a lot of work, and I know that you are a good developer, but I hope that this bug is be resolved at soon is possible.. The problem is that on question where he writes: Voting ends on February 28, 2012 Already we're into May 24, 2012 but it is still possible to vote, I attach an image where you can see that it still really possible to vote.

answers.jpg · 266.4K · 387 views
Templates and Modules for Dolphin 7.3
24 May 2012

 Members on my site have reported the very exact issue. Voting can continue pass the deadline.

I already reported this bug by email, I suppose that you have a lot of work, and I know that you are a good developer, but I hope that this bug is be resolved at soon is possible.. The problem is that on question where he writes: Voting ends on February 28, 2012 Already we're into May 24, 2012 but it is still possible to vote, I attach an image where you can see that it still really possible to vote.


24 May 2012


I already reported this bug by email, I suppose that you have a lot of work, and I know that you are a good developer, but I hope that this bug is be resolved at soon is possible.. The problem is that on question where he writes: Voting ends on February 28, 2012 Already we're into May 24, 2012 but it is still possible to vote, I attach an image where you can see that it still really possible to vote.

still no solution for this bug? You're working on this bug? or when you can start to work on this?

Templates and Modules for Dolphin 7.3
29 May 2012

 This issue is already noted and flagged for update. Please wait until a patch has been released.


I already reported this bug by email, I suppose that you have a lot of work, and I know that you are a good developer, but I hope that this bug is be resolved at soon is possible.. The problem is that on question where he writes: Voting ends on February 28, 2012 Already we're into May 24, 2012 but it is still possible to vote, I attach an image where you can see that it still really possible to vote.

still no solution for this bug? You're working on this bug? or when you can start to work on this?


Paypal email is -
29 May 2012

I'm looking forward to the next patch. Thank you in advance for fixing it. Smile
29 May 2012

there are news about fixing this bug? how to proceed? think it is possible that it be resolved within one to two weeks from now?

Templates and Modules for Dolphin 7.3
14 Jun 2012

Version 2.0.9 released. (See patches/version_2.0.9 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue where voting period not shown as ended in two scenarios :
a) when there were no answers
b) when multiple answers had the same vote count.

Paypal email is -
18 Jul 2012
12 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.