Sorry for this one but I have posted it all over the internet with very little response and much wasted time trying to fix the issue so thought I would try here.
When I connect to my VPS using KVM the keyboard types double characters. ie "ee" instead of just "e".
This makes it impossible to reboot the system as I have added a username and password to the bootloader.
I have tried removing and reinstalling the HID Keyboard Divice in divice manager as well as all the other basic "change repeat keystrokes speed" etc but nothing seems to solve it.
I had another machine which enabled me to loginto the server but for some inexplicable reason sinse yesterday (no updates to windows 10) that machine has started doing the same thing so am unable to restart a vps.
Any guidance to help solve this appreciated. Its a windows 10 desktop I am using to connect to a vps I have from my host. The KVM and VNC console bothe have the issue.
Thanks for any help. Much appreciated and appologies for posting here.