I think I have been spoiled by Joomla.
You see a module you want, you buy or download it, go to your administrative panel and install the component. It tells you immediately if it is installed and you then see the MOD or PLUGIN or COMPONENT in the menu.
In Dolphin,
see a mod you like and then you buy it. Then when you go to click on
the link of the downloaded file, you find out it is a zip file with one
sentence in the file: "We will install the mod for you."
This means:
1) I don't want to give you files because people using Dolphin steal modules and sell them as their own and I don't trust giving you my work
2) You need to give essentially root access to your server to someone you never met and don't know if they are really trustworthy to get on and install your new mod.
3) You are not told what was done except: "install the module". You are often not given any files or what database changes were made
4) you don't know if they left something behind that will be helpful to them in the future. (I had one mod developer put banner advertisements in a module!!!!!!! - I had to make several requests before he removed them).
Sometimes there is no module to upload: You buy something and then get an email on how to modify an existing file! (example: I buy a module for $30 and just get instructions on changing one file.)
Here is my opinion:
1) module installs should be self contained, sent to you as a zip and with instructions. If you are afraid someone will steal your mod and resell it, create license files using ZEND or IONCube.
2) No module install should require you give your servers credentials to anyone. If they can't do an install via a Dolphin module mechanism, they need to create one that can do it in a stand alone manner.
Part of the problem here is Dolphin itself (it is not as mature a platform as Joomla) and part of the problem are the developers who want to protect their intellectual property.
The losers are the Dolphin audience because we become reliant upon developers to reinstall if we ever have a problem with our server, etc. This is NOT a good way of doing things.
I hope to see Dolphin rise to better standards so more people can adopt it.
David P.