When user log in, and click Chat menu, the page show blank, with just a word "loading" then always "connecting" , no information displayed. Chat panel don't appear.
I'm running d6.1.6 and rms3.5.2 on winxp locally.
I've set
c:\rms\access.dat: localhost
C:\RMS\conf\red5.properties: rtmp.port=10000
C:\RMS\webapps\chat\WEB-INF\red5-web.properties: webapp.virtualHosts=,
OR webapp.virtualHosts= ( IP in local network. Both don't work)
Then the RMS server starts without error.
In dolphin adm pannel of ray suit setting, I set
Use RMS checked;
RMS Address :
RMS Port 10000;
RMS HTTP Port 5080;
and save successfully.
Would anyone please give me any hint?