Hello. I use to develop on a local machine and update my work on a remote dolphin, which is the production platform. The licence key of my company is going to the remote server (I use a simple advertised version to develop new features).
Due to my methodology, at some point, I have to deactivate my apache daemon ont the production website and make my modifications. I have to update the totality of both files and databases (because i need to avoid Git conflict). After the upgrade I reactivate.
Problem occurs when I reactivate : on the production platform appears the banners and advertising you got when you have not paid dolphin. My users see this advertising until I have entered the licence key in the administration area. As we want to use dolphin as a white brand, i'm after a solution in order to put the licence key in the right place before to restart the httpd.
I believe there is, in the database I guess, a special column where the key is stored... Does anyone know something about it?