Hello everyone,
I need to place the below code whichever template is for member.php and the indexx page for my site for monitoring mainly on the MAIN Page which template(s) would I insert in, as it has to be just before the body tags on the pages I want to monitor for member traffic. Instructions are:
MONITOR TAG: This tag needs to be placed directly above the </BODY> tag on every webpage you want to monitor visitor activity. It is usually placed on every page of your website. r activity. It is usually placed on every page of your website
<!-- Monitor tag for Account socialpuzzlecommunity (ID: 103), Site socialpuzzlecommunity.com (ID: 111), Queue Member Service (ID: 243) --> <script language=javascript src="https://sightmax75R2.sightmaxondemand.com/socialpuzzlecommunity/SightMaxAgentInterface/Monitor.smjs?accountID=103&siteID=111&queueID=243"></script>
i would place it in _header.html or if your custom template has _header.html place it in there... Suppose i could jump on there as well... https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Hi Jay,
Do you still have access to my server if so maybe you can help?
If so a couple of places I would like to monitor and place the chat icon that is on the main page.
1. Main Page
2. Member.php (if there is a template for it to place on)
Oh I wonder if it would work if I put the code in the top banner spot from admin panel
If you only want to place it on two pages. You should use the dolphin injection system. That is what it was designed for.
templates\base\_footer.html has a injection point just above the closing body tag. So to use that injection point just do the following.
For the index page. (The main page) insert the following using phpMyAdmin.
INSERT INTO `sys_injections` (`name`, `page_index`, `key`, `type`, `data`, `replace`, `active`) VALUES ('custom_injection_1', 1, 'injection_footer', 'text', '<!-- Monitor tag for Account socialpuzzlecommunity (ID: 103), Site socialpuzzlecommunity.com (ID: 111), Queue Member Service (ID: 243) --> <script language=javascript src="https://sightmax75R2.sightmaxondemand.com/socialpuzzlecommunity/SightMaxAgentInterface/Monitor.smjs?accountID=103&siteID=111&queueID=243"></script>', 0, 1);
Explication of injection.
custom_injection_1 is the name i gave the injection. Can be anything as long as it is unique with no spaces. 1 is the page index which tells the injection system what page to put it on. text is the type of injection. Can be text or php tells the injection system if code to be injected is text or php code. injection_footer is the name of the injection point. Determines where in the page it is placed. This is the text to inject
That covers the index page. Now for the member.php page. Same thing except the injection name is different because it has to be unique. And the page index changed to 81 which is the index for the member.php page.
INSERT INTO `sys_injections` (`name`, `page_index`, `key`, `type`, `data`, `replace`, `active`) VALUES ('custom_injection_2', 81, 'injection_footer', 'text', '<!-- Monitor tag for Account socialpuzzlecommunity (ID: 103), Site socialpuzzlecommunity.com (ID: 111), Queue Member Service (ID: 243) --> <script language=javascript src="https://sightmax75R2.sightmaxondemand.com/socialpuzzlecommunity/SightMaxAgentInterface/Monitor.smjs?accountID=103&siteID=111&queueID=243"></script>', 0, 1);
NOTE: Because this is a manual change to the database, as with all manual database changes, the cache must be cleared for this to take effect.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Thanks Dean. i'll give this a go and let you know if i blow up his server or not.
Yup still have login. will let you know how it works out in a few
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
WOW thanks Deano and Jay,
How would I place a LIVE Chat Support on member.php? For main page I just copied the chat code to an html block o show the image. How would I do this for member.php?
Also for subpages of the site like I have a Learning Center /learning
In page builders. Member.php is called Account.
So the same way. A html block.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
just a question on the injection Deano and Jay.
When time to update to the next D version will these kinda changes affect the process?
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
just a question on the injection Deano and Jay.
When time to update to the next D version will these kinda changes affect the process?
Injections are part of dolphin. So no. A dolphin upgrade should be fine and preserve the injections. Should have no effect.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Thanks a lot Deano,
You have been of great help and I really appreciate your time and wisdom.
i added the sql and chat block to the account page. copied code from home page. https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Thanks a lot Jay the site LIVE help is working perfectly! Deano thanks so much for your help and guidance I really appreciate it.
Banker Guy, what are you using for Live Chat?
Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970 |