A couple of days ago I went ahead and created some custom text fields on the join page which were then also imported into the required sections withhin the profile. Geeez, I hate working with those language keys because I never worked with complex language software like this before. I've translated dozens of programms, even entire video and greeting card portals with hundreds of files, but the dolphin language keys are driving me out of my mind.
Anyway, sorry, the problem that I'm having is that I generated new profile fields for hair color, eye color, weight, etc. Then I added those buttons, not realizing that dolphin would alter them in a way that it would be publically viewable. Here's what I mean:
I generated a german field button for color of hair, entitled: Haarfarbe
Then I added this button everywhere that it belonged.
Next day I go to check the profile, and see this whole ugly thing: _FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_View
Checked the language keys next, but it appears that those strings can't be edited, least I couldn't figure out how ... ??? Man, I friggen hate this language setup. So how can I create my own generic text fields without having all of this other junk show up in the profile? Why does it have to be such a pain in the rear? Any step by step (easy to comprehend) information would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Greetings from Germany
I generated a german field button for color of hair, entitled: Haarfarbe
Then I added this button everywhere that it belonged.
You proberly added it to Join, Edit, View profile and maybe search
Then you need to add 4 language keys
_FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_Join -> Join Page
_FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_Edit -> Profile edit Page
_FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_View -> View Profile
_FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_Search -> Search page
If you don't use it on search page you don't need to add _FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_Search
Add language key after you have looked at the current page you add the button to,
then you will see the Key you shall use to make the Language streng, only to copy it.
Add language key after you have looked at the current page you add the button to,
then you will see the Key you shall use to make the Language streng, only to copy it.
Thank you, okweb.
Did I understand you correctly, that I have to make one language key reference per item and per page ... meaning that if I added 10 new items to each of the 4 pages/tabs above, then I'd need to make a total of 40 language keys? God, I absolutely *HATE* this language system !!!
My wife and I are both college educated and I speak/read/write german & english 100% fluently, but this is just the pits! Both of us read that stupid "popup language advisory" in the admin section and couldn't make heads or tails out of that "techno language jargon" for experienced dolphin users. No help files, no explanations, no step by step procedure for creating language keys ... and people are expected to pay 790.00 bucks for that (if no ads are wanted) ???
Sorry again, I'm just really irritated about this absurd language setup.
okweb, could you please explain that highlighted line just a little bit better too? I don't really understand what you're saying there. Thank you.
Greetings from Germany
Haarfarbe: Blond bis Dunkelblond und lang. (bis auf den Rücken)
You have to make one language key reference per page where you use it,
this will only show Haarfarbe
_FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_Join -> Join Page
_FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_Edit -> Profile edit Page
_FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_View -> View Profile
_FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_Search -> Search page
If you have 10 Haarfarbe to choose between you need to add 10 languages key here
Blond bis Dunkelblond und lang. (bis auf den Rücken) is one of they
So here is it 14 language keys total,
(if you use it on Join Page, Profile edit Page, View Profile and Search page.)
then you will see the Key you shall use to make the Language streng, only to copy it.
Look at this site
You have not made languages key on this:
What I mean is, if you look at the site you will see something like this _FieldCaption_Augen_View if you don't have made any language key to that current page.
So everytime you add a new item to a page you need to check this page.
Join Page, Profile edit Page, View Profile page , Account Page and Search page
to see about you need to add a new language Key there.
Haarfarbe shall only show a language streng to the page
Blond bis Dunkelblond und lang. (bis auf den Rücken) is languages key from Predefined Values or Fields builder
it is important and not mix these
All you have to do is to make one NEW-ITEM block and where you have to type the name of item, just type that. The newly made item block will show in all 4 pages.
in all 4 pages you use one lang key, the same for that block but you move the very same blok to whatever page you want it to show.
once again, when you add lang key go to settings, languages and hit compile button next to the language...do all that using firefox rather than IE.
If you make 4 different item blocks then whoever type hair color in join page...it will not show up in any of other 3 pages.
I hope this helps.
Geeez, this is just plain insane!
When I go to Admin ---> Builders ---> Fields ---> and then select the "blank" that's ready to go, the one that says NEW_ITEM on it, the only thing that I can check or select from there are the options that are made available to me. In this case, since options like AUGENFARBE, HAARFARBE, GEWICHT, etc. are single items that require no more than one single line of text, I selected as Type = Text. Nothing else would have made sense anyway. Now then, let's continue just with one of these for a moment, HAARFARBE, okay?
I then filled out everything as needed for Haarfarbe ... the item ... the caption title ... the description ... the messages ... and so on. Great, awesome, wow ... now there's a new field button, ready to go. Yippee, cool, I'm lovin' it ... (sarcasm)
Let's move on, then I add this ONE button to ... join + edit + view ... in those three areas.
And then we get to the part that's drivig me up a wall ....
Are you saying that no matter where I put that button, I still have to create a language key for it by default? And then, if I added this ONE item to those three pages (join + edit + view), I'd have to create one more language key for each of those 3 pages, totalling 3 more language keys for this ONE item? So .... every new item being used on three pages would require a total of four language keys, right? This would mean that 4 items on 3 pages would require a total of 16 language keys, correct ???
I think that's correct, so I'll go ahead and yell Yippee, wow, awesome, cool, Prima one more time before I barf about this insane language setup.
Okay, wiped my mouth off, that wasn't so hard to figure out. The problem is that when I go to the settings ---> languages i.e. the language section, looking for german language keys, those keys are already there !!! They have my caption and my description so I know that those are the language keys from the new field buttons that I just created. BUT, there's nothing that will permit me to edit the existing string which shows up on the profile page like: _FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_View for hair color.
Are you saying that those existing strings can't be edited ... meaning that I might as well delete those field buttons since I can't change how this _FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_View kind of stuff is showing up? What kind of an insane setup is this? Are you saying that I should create completely new language keys AND THEN ASSIGN THOSE to the existing field buttons that I created? And if so, then that's the step by step procedure that I would need for just one of those options, so that I can duplicate that again later on. That's where I'm stuck. I simply can't figure out how to do this and nothing that you wrote helps to explain why and how this is so. If I can't understand the why & how of it, then I can't get myself to do something that I don't understand. I just can't follow the "logic" behind this language mess that Boonex came up with.
I guess it's hopeless for me and I'll have to find someone that I can pay to do this. Oh, yeah, sure boonex ... 99.00 USD unlimited license ... plus a few dollars for this, some more dollars for that, a few dollars for help that should already be available, more money for translations if you can't figure them out for yourself ... This is just plain DISGUSTING !!! I actually paid for a professional dolphin translation and all of the translations in the language keys were cut off after the first german special symbol (Ä, Ü, Ö, ß) appeared in the description of the language key. Our server admin (very experienced) has spent untold hours trying to resolve the special character issue without success. That could never happen with a standard text file to translate !!! These problems do not exist with any of our other english UTF8 programms ... webmail, video portal, greeting cards, online scheduling system ... all of those translated without any problems whatsoever. Even TinyMCE stuff is not a problem.
Greetings from Germany
All you have to do is to make one NEW-ITEM block and where you have to type the name of item, just type that. The newly made item block will show in all 4 pages.
in all 4 pages you use one lang key, the same for that block but you move the very same blok to whatever page you want it to show.
once again, when you add lang key go to settings, languages and hit compile button next to the language...do all that using firefox rather than IE.
If you make 4 different item blocks then whoever type hair color in join page...it will not show up in any of other 3 pages.
I hope this helps.
Yes, if you made your site to ONE language
Again, thank you okweb and thank you Nurke ....
But like I said, it appears to be hopeless.
The field buttons were never a problem and it was obvious right away that they only needed to be generated one single time since they automatically showed up anyway, after going to the next tab or page.
No, sorry, Nurke, but we have the system set up as German for our primary language and english for our secondary language. Lots of english being used in Germany. When I created the field buttons, the language strings were "magically created" ??? by dolphin because when I compile the german language file and then go to look for the language keys of the profile section, they're all there already. Problem is that those langage keys have that nasty looking long line, instead of just the desired single word. In other words, when I created the field button ... Haarfarbe ... dolphin automatically created a language key for that and this language key is called _FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_View
That's what shows up in the profile too and it looks like pure crap !!! Again, I didn't create *ANY* language keys. The system did that all by itself. I can't edit that key so that only the word ... Haarfarbe ... shows up in the profile and I can't figure out how to create a new language key which could then be "assigned" ??? to my already existing field button. Like I said, it's nuts and it's probably hopeless.
Greetings from Germany
you should be able to edit the meaning of lang key...but if you cant, download your lang.php file and manually change the meaning and upload it back.
for special caracters...such found in Geman language, you will need to download German lang file , edit it as you please BUT save it as sql file and run it thru database. Only then they will show up. Befor you do that , back up everything just in case.
The weirdest thing I found with lang files... I had only 1 lang (my lang) and every time I changed/ added new lang key...the whole web site would change back to english?????
Now I add everything manyally.
I hope this nelps.
To clarify what I'm irritated about ...
Image one, Boonex claiming that this language setup is easy to use ... HAH.
Image two, This in and of itself requires translation/explanation.
Image three, Language key that was created by dolphin after I created the field button.
Greetings from Germany
I then filled out everything as needed for Haarfarbe ... the item ... the caption title ... the description ... the messages ... and so on. Great, awesome, wow ... now there's a new field button, ready to go. Yippee, cool, I'm lovin' it ... (sarcasm)
Let's move on, then I add this ONE button to ... join + edit + view ... in those three areas.
Then you go to Language Settings and search after Haarfarbe you will find 1 line
Key: _FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_Join
String: Haarfarbe
Category: Profile Fields
Language: German
You have now language string only to Join Page -> Key: _FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_Join
You now need to add language string to the other site you added the button to
(else you will only see this _FieldCaption_Haarfarbe_xxxx)
go to Fields builder click on Edit Profile and then click on Haarfarbe
you will now see that Caption is emty, write Haarfarbe here and then save it
Do the same on View Profile
go to Language Settings again and search after Haarfarbe you will now find 3 lines
You have made all the language strings you need
compile, compile, compile....
When I create new_blocks and carry the process through Join,Edit,Search -> I always finish by 'compiling' my Language strings. Although it does compile when a new block is formed it is a good idea to compile and then check to make sure all the keys/strings have been entered.
Ocasionaly I review the SQL DB to ensure the function is actually working. Everytime I thought I found a hiccup... It was just my improper execution of the process.
Still FAR EASIER then opening Language File and DB every 10 minutes :)
When I create new_blocks and carry the process through Join,Edit,Search -> I always finish by 'compiling' my Language strings. Although it does compile when a new block is formed it is a good idea to compile and then check to make sure all the keys/strings have been entered.
Still FAR EASIER then opening Language File and DB every 10 minutes :)
I understand what all of you are saying ... but you're all missing the point ...
Of course I've been compiling .. and compiling .. and compiling .. the individual profile keys by themselves and also the entire german language translation. Cleared browser cache several times ... tested with IE7, IE8, and FF3, but it simply does not matter what I do. One out of three changes compile and work correctly, and the other two don't work at all, no matter what, or rather, the field function works, but the caption shows up on the pages as that long disgusting looking language key. I'm at wits end here. Later on I'll delete some of those functions, wait until tomorrow, and try to add them again. It's just 3 of them that are being buggy like this. Hair color, Eye color, and Video fuction.
Sorry sombRIA, I disagree with you completely as far as your last line is conerned ...
The longest that I've ever spent translating a programm file for a large internet application with hundreds of files was a little over 6 hours. The programm had a language file that you could "SAVE AS" the new language file. The programm was designed with that in mind. Only requirement was that the new language file was saved with the proper language code only, in other words, instead of the existing lang_en ... lang_de
Old phrase and old words were then translated via blahblahblah =====> newblahblahblah
That's it. No DB, no SQL, no anything else, except a straight FTP upload which took about 15 seconds. Then, enter the programm as the admin, check the space for new language, check the saved configuration i.e. the box that had "DE" by it, check preferred default language, and voila, the whole damn thing instantly worked in that laguage after refreshing the page. Now please, tell me, how can ANY translation be EASIER than THAT ???
Greetings from Germany