Warning: fileperms() [function.fileperms]: stat failed for ../groups/orca/cachejs in /home6/darkinkw/public_html/DARK-HEARTS/install/index.php on line 1649
There is no /groups/orca/cachejs in the original zip unpacked on my desktop and in the directory on the server
I dont understand, Its non writable because it doesn't exist.....the last time installed Dolphin 6.1.4 It happend with different files so i thort 'I' would have to make them (this worked but gave me a messed up dolphin so I am having to reinstall now). This time its Dolphin 6.1.5 and I have this error for 13 files that do not exist (the last time it was more than 13)
What is the problem?? lol i dont want to breed another retard dolphin