Votings Tracker from eSASe

It is always interesting who and how voted. This module allows to track which member has voted and how many points he gave. It tracks votes for profile, video, music and photos!

On the user's account page , site member will be able to check all the votes
Very useful and interesting tool!


view full description here:

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 14 Feb 2011

Its definitely great idea Sasha - congrats. Anyway Am missing some more detailed reporting functions about voters so profile owner can list voters on one page, filter voters by given rating, age, location etc... I hope that this will be added to component so I can buy it :-)

Quote · 17 Feb 2011


Its definitely great idea Sasha - congrats. Anyway Am missing some more detailed reporting functions about voters so profile owner can list voters on one page, filter voters by given rating, age, location etc... I hope that this will be added to component so I can buy it :-)

Provide me here with some explanation screen shots please

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 17 Feb 2011

interesting indeed. being that i have written that there is a bug in the voting tracking system on the dolphin version i am running, posted in the forums and was totally ignored. was told by AntonLV to submit a ticket. now there is a module for purchase, that is supposedly going to fix the issue of the voting tracking?


where this may not be directly related to my post regarding the voting tracking not working, just seems coincidental that after two weeks from when i posted there was a problem with the voting tracking, there is now a mod in the market for exactly such a function that is not working properly on the boonex set of modules released with Dolphin.


overall, would still be interested in looking into the expanded voting tracking system, i looked at your screen shots, but do not see where there is anything created for the admin to manage the voting, i.e. one vote per memberID on any given option for voting, such as polls?


good job if this can be built upon for a full fledge management of the voting, would also like to see notifications of votes pushed in an email to the administrator, have the admin in control of what tallies are visible and not visible, such as if memberID 1 votes on 'favorite color of apples' then once tht vote has been submitted, tracking it is a great ideology, but remove that ability from that members presence, for any further attempts at voting again.


at any rate, good job.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 17 Feb 2011

hope you can read it :-) see attachement.


Also your module can be enhanced by email notification so profile owner can for example set they want be notified also by email but for example only from women, aged 20-30 years from certain location etc...

ALso there can be added permission so admin  can setup for some member groups to enable/disbale voting tracker and also enable/disable user to be actually shown in votin tracker as voter so site admin can setup some member group which votes will be NOT visible in tracker. 

skenování0011.jpg · 49.3K · 245 views
Quote · 17 Feb 2011

Also there can be some OVERVIEW button which show an overview graph of votinng in certain date range so users see how many stars they getting in a period of time  and from what age range of voters - so they can see for example that after they changed their photo they start getting more 5 stars by for example vores aged 20-30 years etc... Hope you know what I mean by voting overview graph ?


Basicly a graph table so profile owner can see in a simple graph that they was getting in january 20x5star,13x4star,5x2star, 1x1star , while in february they get 30x5star and only 1x1star, in march ...... april.... may... etc.... so user can clearly see how voting was changing in months ... If in a graph will be space also show age groups of votesr will be good idea too.

Quote · 17 Feb 2011

yes, i forgot about mentioning notifying the voters or participants on any given voting platform, yes periodically it would be nice to have all members who have voted on x-option to be notified of increased standings on the tallies, but not revealing the memberID or other confidential information, but just say if a poll was drafted:


what are you favorite apples:



those are the two options to vote on, so notice would state, a poll you have voted on has been voted on by another member of the site. but this notification should be controlled by the admin whether or not those notices should be available.

hope you can read it :-) see attachement.


Also your module can be enhanced by email notification so profile owner can for example set they want be notified also by email but for example only from women, aged 20-30 years from certain location etc...

ALso there can be added permission so admin  can setup for some member groups to enable/disbale voting tracker and also enable/disable user to be actually shown in votin tracker as voter so site admin can setup some member group which votes will be NOT visible in tracker.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 17 Feb 2011


hope you can read it :-) see attachement.


Also your module can be enhanced by email notification so profile owner can for example set they want be notified also by email but for example only from women, aged 20-30 years from certain location etc...

ALso there can be added permission so admin  can setup for some member groups to enable/disbale voting tracker and also enable/disable user to be actually shown in votin tracker as voter so site admin can setup some member group which votes will be NOT visible in tracker.

I can't open your image hi is broken!

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 17 Feb 2011

the image opened for me on irfanview sashea



hope you can read it :-) see attachement.


Also your module can be enhanced by email notification so profile owner can for example set they want be notified also by email but for example only from women, aged 20-30 years from certain location etc...

ALso there can be added permission so admin  can setup for some member groups to enable/disbale voting tracker and also enable/disable user to be actually shown in votin tracker as voter so site admin can setup some member group which votes will be NOT visible in tracker.

I can't open your image hi is broken!


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 17 Feb 2011

i can open it without problem but here we go again

skenování0011.jpg · 49.3K · 234 views
Quote · 17 Feb 2011

here is also picture of overview voting graph that will come handy to as a part of voting tracker

skenování0012.jpg · 47.2K · 253 views
Quote · 17 Feb 2011

I also wanted to buy this but due to the current status of Dolphin voting system, I decided not to buy it for now.  Until somebody in here figures out a way to fix the voting system to allow votes per member and not per IP address, I will not buy this product.  Sigh...



Quote · 17 Feb 2011

yes I think when a voting gets actually fixed in d7 itself and sasha improve his voting tracker to be more comprehensive as I suggest than this mod can be easily one of most demanded right after spywall from ibellodelweb as vote tracking is what all dating site members love :-)

Quote · 17 Feb 2011

Sasha .. so what u think will you implement some of that ideas ?

Quote · 24 Feb 2011

Hi sasha, can you give meinformation if you enhance your component to be really robust voting tracker with all whistles and bells or you keeponly this simple one.

Quote · 17 May 2011


Hi sasha, can you give meinformation if you enhance your component to be really robust voting tracker with all whistles and bells or you keeponly this simple one.

Yes, I'll do it if someone will fund this

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 17 May 2011

Hello Sasha, I'm truly interested in this mod as well, but like Freakpower, I really need it to be available for some member groups only (VIP)... Have you thought about it yet ? The e-mail notification idea is also very interesting


Quote · 7 Jul 2011

yeah ... this voting tracker is great idea as its feature of all dating sites and its one of most popular function users of dating sites use but this one from esase is too simple ........ so personally Im still waiting until somebody either esase or some other dev make proper robust voting tracker module with graphs of changes in voting ...history by months, days and weeks, assignment what photos has been used for voting (/ as user can change their photo several times so user should see which photos had bigges impact - most top votes, admin option to hide votes if user dont pay (or dont josin certain paid group), email notofications etc...,etc.... hope somebody will release proper voting tracker with all whistles and bells.

Not take me bad esase current solution is good start and maybe for some sites its enough but for dating sites its just too simple ...

Quote · 8 Jul 2011


yeah ... this voting tracker is great idea as its feature of all dating sites and its one of most popular function users of dating sites use but this one from esase is too simple ........ so personally Im still waiting until somebody either esase or some other dev make proper robust voting tracker module with graphs of changes in voting ...history by months, days and weeks, assignment what photos has been used for voting (/ as user can change their photo several times so user should see which photos had bigges impact - most top votes, admin option to hide votes if user dont pay (or dont josin certain paid group), email notofications etc...,etc.... hope somebody will release proper voting tracker with all whistles and bells.

Not take me bad esase current solution is good start and maybe for some sites its enough but for dating sites its just too simple ...

 I can make all extra addons for you. But is not free service. Contact with me please. We will discus this

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 8 Jul 2011

yeah I know... thats why Im waiting when somebody release that as a complete module as I have no money to support development :-(

Quote · 8 Jul 2011

Module is available for Dolphin 7.1

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 24 Jan 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.